Author's note: So re-reading the very last chapter of Tokyo Ghoul I realized that it is a time skip of about 6 years. In my previous chapters I put that it has only been about a year (since I think I started this right before the last TG chapter came out) I will be fixing that now. So in other words, this story takes place about 6 ½ to 7 years after the Dragon Wars. Akira and Seidou are about 30-31 years old at this point.
Chapter 3
Wicked Games
Please, Seidou. Akira spoke just above a whisper, as she gripped tighter to Seidou's black, wet cloak. Her body was shivering again.
Seidou breathed in sharply, his body rigid, and his pulse quickened.
Tch, still gonna beg me to eat ya, eh, Mado? Sweat was beginning to form on his forehead, and he was beginning to hear his heartbeat in his ears. Top of our class, my ass! Seidou snorted. Look'n pretty pathetic if ya ask me.
With his back still towards her, he could feel the pressure on his cloak tighten more, and the sound of rustling blankets as she pulled herself to her knees.
I dont know if this is real, I dont know if you're really here, but even if this is just a dream, then just stay here till I wake up. Her head rested against Seidou's back, blonde hair covering her face. Seidou kept his gaze straight forward, his eyes were sullen, and there was an uncomfortable lump in his throat.
This aint no dream Mado, this has been and always will be-a nightmare. I'm a nightmare.
Mado, Seidou started, his voice low. You need to get to bed.
For the first time that night, the rain and thunder died down, with just the monotonous sound of soft rain falling onto the windows.
I dont need sleep! Her shout was more startling than thunder.
In an act that shocked Akira, Seidou pulled away from her grasp, so quickly that she almost toppled over. His teeth were clenched, and his knuckles white from tight fists.
Dazed, confused, and still a little drunk, Akira watched with wide eyes and pounding heart beat, the ghost of the boy she once knew. From where she was looking, she could see just the side of his face. Sadness enveloped her. He had that same hopeless look, the same she would see during their academy days, when he would stare up longingly at their rankings. His hair was no longer that lovely chestnut brown and he lost most of his plump child like features, but the way his eyes would look when he felt defeated stayed the same. That above everything, broke her heart, because what stood before her right now was not an SS rated ghoul, but her Seidou Takizawa. Seven years had passed, but right now in this moment, it was as if a day hadn't gone by.
She remembered Amon telling her to accept the loneliness and emptiness from letting go of her hate. For years she lived by that, that same rose colored bubble she wrapped around herself, and yet here she was. Akira Mado was no child anymore, hell, she lived through enough to put a centenarian to shame. All of them did.
Seidou, it's been a very long time.
Seidou quirked a smile. It's been 84 long years. He was always one for pop culture references, though he'd never let anyone know that who worked with him.
Putting her head in her hands, still in a buzzed haze, she wanted to laugh out loud at the madness of everything-and so she did. Laughter ruptured out of her forcefully, not giving her lungs enough time to fill air. Akira felt herself falling apart. Years, no, her whole life had been crashing down on her these last few weeks, and add insult to injury, someone had to be there to see it all.
In her mad fit of laughter, Seidou didnt know exactly what to do. Dealing with an emotional Akira was still something very new to him. He pulled off his drying cloak, walked over to Akira's shaking form, and wrapped it around her shoulders. As soon as the cloth touched her skin, she froze.

Wicked Games
FanfictionAs life begins to settle down for everyone around Akira Mado, she is left with a gapping hole in her chest that continues to grow. After a drunken night at her team's favorite ramen shop, she stumbles upon an old rival. What does letting go of the p...