Reminiscence of the 5-Day Regional Teacher Induction Program (TIP) held at Baliuag University, Baliuag, Bulacan
Note: This written work (in its initial state) was originally conceived for Madam Naomi T. A...
End Chapter: The 5th Day, October 31, 2008 (Friday)
"Last Few Ounces": A Closing for the Wonderful Memories
PART 1: Dreamy...
It seemed like I slept too long, like sleeping and refusing to get up. It maybe was a subconscious induced sleep, a subconscious effort to lengthen time and space. Have you ever encountered a situation in a day when your mind tried to do everything on its power just to lengthen the day, conscious of the fact that when you wake up, it would soon be over? Well, indeed I slept so long - extended, heavy, sound, comfortable flat sleep, like trying to grasp eternity while the body continuously stays shut for as long as it could afford. As deep as my sleep was, (or at least how deep my whole body and soul tried it to be), I even dreamed a few lines of a song. The song seem to be of another language, but it was accompanied with English words in the dream. They are as follows:
Man's voice: Things are always bound to end Girl's voice: But let's believe, that some things would last forever Man's voice: Shall my heart keep singing a refrain? Girl's voice: Is forever... just confined in dreams? Man's voice: Come now, live, and let us cherish the moment! Girl's voice: Let me know you while it last, this is... the last day isn't it?
When I woke up, I tried to write those thoughts down.
PART 2: Some parting thoughts at breakfast....
There was a different air when I went to the Breakfast Hall; the normal conversationalist tone and ambiance was not present and everybody looked solemn. I too proceeded with a solemn look and procured a hot cup of sweet tea. While the air was solemn that morning, I observed that the running gag of taking too much tea, Milo, and coffee was still in practice, so I did the same. When each have returned to their tables, a few minutes passed in silence, and a few minutes more a group of delegates stood up and went to the caretakers who prepared our breakfast. It seemed that they have an offering or something. The 'charity' plan suddenly sprang to mind.
"Allow us to offer a little something for your effort Ma'am. You have taken care of our daily morning meals and let us lodged each night without saying a word. Especially the children, who have lost their biological parents, have been so kind to take care of our needs while working quietly in the background. Ma'am, take this amount, this is all we could offer you, though we'd like to offer more than this." "This small amount is especially dedicated to the orphaned children. We have never experienced their pain, suffering, and loss; but at least we could sympathize with them as some of our pupils suffered the same and as Teachers we have witnessed enough suffering to be apathetic about it and not do something." "We especially commend your dedication to help the orphans too, as well as your extended dedication in keeping this place orderly and functional. If you have not done so, then we would not have the pleasure of enjoying the place and being here. Many people aside of us enjoyed the benefits of your hard work."
Then the people looked at me. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" I whispered to Florenz. "Just say what you think you should. Make this a good one somehow, for in all probability we wouldn't see them ever again." Whispered Florenz. "I'm not always good in spoken words... not all the time. So to say it better, I'd just write my thoughts down."
There was a piece of stationery paper there, and though my handwriting was awful [in fact, still is at present], I tried to scribble a few words. 'Ok, here goes...' I thought. "I have nothing much to say, for the people who spoke has already all the essentials laid on words. And yeah, the words that you heard, came from our hearts... it's all what we wanted to say, in fact we would like to say more, but no words can describe our gratitude. "These words are not meant just to the orphans and the caretakers that had become dear to our hearts... these words are also meant to you guys, to all of you around here. Knowing you all, in these few days, in this place, may only seem just a random day-to-day life of knowing and interacting with one another. It may be true that after this, we might get on with our individual lives and forget each other's faces and names, but this place... has made it all memorable. Thank you fellows! "We might have done, not only in deeds but also in thoughts, things that might have broken your hearts should you know all of them, but to that we express apologies, because... though we all know that you knew, you never said a word but still welcomed us, and took care of our needs. Thank you, our dear caretakers! "Thank you! I hope that, though we may forget some things, we may still remember this entire experience... that once upon our lives, we were gathered in this place."
After the parting thoughts have been said in all the solemnities of the situation, there was again, as predicted, several picture-takings. There were several shots of delegates taken with the orphans and the caretakers of ¬Bukal-ng-Buhay, sadly, I have no shots of them remaining in possession, and the cellphone that contained one shot of me with the orphans, have been lost long ago. Now I wonder if the piece of stationery paper where I wrote my parting words is still alive today... maybe it has also been lost through time.
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Caption: These are the orphans in Bukal-ng-Buhay who are attending schooling. We did not have a chance to see them.
We were all gathered then at Bahay-na-Bato, organizing ourselves in a very comfortable manner, in the very same way we organized ourselves during the first day. As we busy ourselves with not being busy and with minor expectancy, others were acting very busy and even nervous, and I figured out quite easily that they would be the demonstrators that morning. While in that state of affairs, I heard the M.C. and Ginaline saying something over the microphone. "Please arrange yourselves by Division." Something like that.
"What was that?" I asked, acting like an innocent onlooker. "They are asking us to arrange by Division Chris." Ate May-Ann answered, nonchalantly. "...Division..." I uttered like a drunken parrot. "Quit fooling around Chris, I know you heard it, of all the people!" Ate May-Ann retorted. "Yeah, by Division... I wonder if it's a Math class..." I said, in a dreamy tone. "WHAT IS IT this TIME, Huh Chris?" Ate May-Ann's tone was almost angry. But MC, Flor, and [I think] Mae were starting to let out a faint laugh. "You're starting again Chris, easy! Hahaha!" exclaimed Ate Flor.
So I went on: "Because we are asked to group ourselves by division. I find it impossible! How can anyone group themselves if they are constantly divided? I think grouping by addition is the more proper thing to say!" "Hahaha! OK Chris, how about subtraction and multiplication?" Flor and Florenz asked. "It would be the more impossible if they asked us to group by subtraction! Imagine forming a group if at the same time members are taken away! On the other hand, it would be inconceivable to group by multiplication! The number of people that would result will be too much to accommodate this place!" My companions, Kuya Bonnie, and others who heard what I said laughed. "On the other hand, here's a simple take at that. It's much simpler than the first." "Come on Chris, we're listening." "It's this." Then I went on with a loud voice. "Everyone, everyone, let us group ourselves in Math class! Those who would like to group by Division line up here. Those who want to group by Multiplication line up beside the first one! Those who would like to group by Addition, and by Subtraction, well guys, you know what to do!" "Hahaha! And there would just be 4 groups in all!" exclaimed Kuya Florenz. B"We'd better stop now guys, I heard they are about to start!" MC reminded us.