Chapter Five "Beach?"

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They Don't Know About The Things We Do
Chapter Five

The kids were all piled in the middle and back seats of the car

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The kids were all piled in the middle and back seats of the car. Ted and Karen were up front with major headaches. Every time Dustin said a bad word, you could hear Ted yell, "Language!"

Mike sat in the middle seat on the very right, beside Will. They were talking about how Will was going to get a new pack of crayons that came with 64. Mike new it made Will happy to talk about coloring, so he engaged in the conversation excitedly.

Dustin was beside Will, leaned over the middle seat and talking to Lucas, who was right behind him. They were talking about all the different types of crabs they would probably find there.

Max was sitting in the middle of Lucas and Eleven. Eleven was staring out of the window silently. Max made sure no one was watching them. She slowly set her hand on Eleven's and intertwined their fingers.

Eleven looked at Max, her cheeks tinted pink. She smiled softly and lay her head on Max's shoulder. Max could feel her face getting hot. But no one else noticed. They were all too busy with their own conversations. She was glad.

When they arrived at the hotel, Ms.Wheeler purchased a room for just her and Ted. Of course she had gotten them separated beds, they hadn't slept in the same bed in years. She then purchased another room for all the kids, and told them they could go anywhere inside the hotel and out to the beach. But no where else.

Mike carried him and Will's stuff inside their room and threw it onto the floor. He sat on a bed. "Will and I got this one." He said, not even looking up at Eleven. Will sat beside him and smiled.

Dustin jumped onto the bed beside. "Called! Lucas and I got this one."

"We got this one, then," Max said, patting the third bed. Eleven looked at Max and smiled. "Beach?" She whispered. Max nodded.

"Hey, I'm going to take Eleven to look around the hotel. We'll be back soon." She said, and took Eleven's hand. They left quickly, in a hurry to get away from everyone else.

"So, they're friends now." Lucas said as soon as they left. "Good."

"Yeah..." Mike said. "Friends."

Max and Eleven slowly walked onto the beach as the moon reached the sky. When the sand touched Eleven's feet she squeaked and held onto Max.

"That's sand," Max said. "It's not dangerous. Don't worry." Then she lifted up her head and smelled the air. "Doesn't that smell so good?"

Eleven sniffed the air, then nodded. "Beach?"

"Yeah, we're on the beach." Max said. "That's the smell of the ocean."


"Yeah, ocean. That's water." Max pointed to the water that Eleven could barely see. She turned to look at Max and smiled.

Max slowly wrapped her arms around Eleven's waist, and Eleven did the same. They stared at each other for moments, big smiles on their faces and the cool wind blowing around them. The ocean noises were calming to the both of them as they leaned closer to each other.

And then it was like magic. Their lips connected to each other for only seconds, but it was the best thing either of them had ever experienced. Eleven nuzzled her head into Max's neck as Max swayed them back and forth quietly. They stayed in silence and just enjoyed the warmth of each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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