I walked to lunch my heels clicking against the marble floor.I opened the door and guys yelled."Fuck Sebastian has a hot girlfriend" One of Gab friends yelled.
Gab grabbed him by the shirt and whispered something in his ear.I saw a bit of fear in his eyes when he dropped him to the ground and walked over to me.
" Sorry about my friend his just a horn dog"
He rubbed behind his neck and walked with me to the lunch line.
" it's fine but you didn't have to do that, I can handle myself" I gave him a small smile and grab my plate.
I walk to the table seeing Matthew sitting there.I sighed and looks at him.He gulped and looked at me.
" You look beautiful today!" He gave me. cheesy smile and pushed his glasses up.
" So am I not beautiful everyday?" I ask and eat a French fry.
" O-oh,no....I mean yes...I mean no that's not what I'm trying to say...."
Before he could say anything I cut him off my saying." What are you trying to say?"
"I...um"He stood there with a blush on he face.
" Don't mind Coco she is just giving you a hard time"Lix giggles and eats her salad.
"Yeah.....a hard time" He started to sweat and I looked at him with my big brown eyes.
" It there something you wanna say?" I asked him
"Oh....yeah....would you all like to come to my party tonight?" He rocked back and forth on his heels waiting for a answer.
" I'm free tonight." Liz said
" Same!" Mabel gave us a cheerful smile.
" I might be late." Gab said.
" Sure I can come,it wouldn't be a party with us."
" Okay,It starts at eleven!" I could tell he was excited when you walked off doing a silly dance.
I got lost in my thoughts a bit. Why were we talking to the person Sebastian doesn't like,he has been so distant lately,I feel like we are replacing him a bit. I quickly got out of my thought and looked up and asked everyone do they thing Sebastian would come.They all shrugged and went back to eating.I played with my food losing my appetite.
At Coca House
The girls came over that night and we made our outfits for tonight. I wore a white shirt a dark biker jacket and a pair of black converse to match my pants.
We arrived at the party and say drunken high schoolers slurring there words and grinding against each other.
Liz sniffed the air " Smells like alcohol and sex"
Mabel eyebrows raised " Sex has a smell"
Liz and I laughed at her innocence and walked around. Sebastian grabs my arm and pulled me in a corner with him.
" What are you doing here?" He asked seriously as if he was my dad.
" Nun,of your business" I felt his hand drop from my arm when I clapped back at him.
" You could at least ask how I'm doing,I haven't had an actually conversation in a week"
" I'm sorry Coco I've been dealing with stuff" he cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair.
I sighed and felt two arms behind me pick me up and place me in there shoulders.
" Look who's finally talking to us" Gab said holding my waist to support me from falling.
"Gab,now is not the time" Seb grabbed me off his shoulders.
His nails dug into my waist making me squint in pain.
I whimpered softly " Sebastian you're hurting my sides"
" Sorry..." he let go of me.
I lifted my shirt and saw the marks he made on me.
" Sebastian,I think we should take a break..." I sighed and walked away from everyone and sat in a corner with a cup of rum in my hand thinking what's my next move in this game we call life?Hey please check out this story I'm helping my friend write please follow her and tell her I sent you Morawills_Official

My Funny Boyfriend
HumorMy Boyfriend is Funny, Charming,and The Schools Class Clown. But when a new student comes in and is funnier than him,what will happen? This it's a competition this is war for him how far will he go to win,would he cheat on you,lie to you,YOU NEVER K...