In this story you're in the shoes of Mary Jane Petty aka: MJ. She is the daughter of Tom Petty. She loves to sing and play guitar with her dad and his band some nights in the studio.
But one morning when the mail comes in and they get an invitati...
"MJ WAKE UP BREAKFAST IS READY," Carly (my cousin) screamed in my face. I grabbed my pillow and hit her across the face with it.
"I'm up," I said laughing. I then got out of bed and stretched. I then walked out of the guest room and to the kitchen. "What's *yawns* for breakfast Aunt Gretta?"
"Pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, grits, and waffles because you hate pancakes," she replied.
"That I do," I replied laughing a little then yawning again.
Then Carly came stumbling into the kitchen with her hand on her face.
"Thanks to you now my face hurts," Carly said before taking an advil.
"Your face has been killing me ever since I met you," I said laughing.
"You jerk," she said then hitting me. Mom then walked into the kitchen.
"Mhmm smells good in here," mom said getting a coffee cup.
"I farted that's why it smells good in here," I said laughing.
"You're on a roll this morning aren't you," aunt Gretta said laughing.
"She's always cracking jokes," mom said pouring her a cup of coffee.
"She's just like uncle Tom, always joking," Carly said. I then got up and grabbed a coffee cup and walked to the coffee pot.
"What do you think you're doing," Mom asked taking the coffee pot from me.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making coffee," I replied.
"The doctor said no more coffee it makes you way to hyper and you act to crazy," mom said. I then put the coffee cup back and went back to my stool.
"Where is dad at," I asked.
"Still in bed," mom replied. I then saw dad and he was sneaking up behind mom. I saw him and he knew I saw him, but he put his finger over his lips signaling me to hush. I went back to fiddling with my fingers, and then my dad scared my mom causing her to scream, which caused aunt Gretta and Carly to scream.
I then fell off my stool dying of laughter and dad was laughing too. I got up and high fived him.
"I have no idea what I'm gonna do with you two. You both continuously scare me, and one day I'm gonna die because of a heart attack," mom said pointing at dad and I. We tried to hold our laughter the best we could.
After eating breakfast I washed my plate and then went up to the room I was staying in and decided to find an outfit to wear tonight. I decided to wear my long sleeved white crop top with my pink lace type bell bottoms. I laid the outfit on the bed and decided to take a shower.
After taking a hot nice steamy shower I got dressed and decided to go out with Carly and her friends to the mall. So I got out a pair of pants and this weird shirt thing I had, and for my shoes I decided to wear my boots.
>Her outfit<
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After getting dressed and fixing my hair, I decided to braid a flower crown in my hair like I always do. I then walked to Carly's room and she was still getting ready. She was putting on her make up. When she saw me in the mirror her mouth dropped open.
"You look stunning," She said turning to look at me. She then spun me around to get a full view of my body. "Do you think you could braid a flower crown into my hair please?"
"Of course just let me go get some flowers from my room and then I'll do it," I said. I then walked to the room I was staying in and grabbed some flowers. I walked back to her bathroom and then parted her hair. I then braided the flowers into her hair. For her outfit she was wearing a floral shirt with some blue jeans and boots. She put on some perfume and then sprayed me with some. "Oh god it got in my mouth." I then started to cough like crazy with a mixture of laughter. Carly then busted out laughing.
We walked downstairs and Carly grabbed her keys. We were almost out the door when my mom stopped us.
"Mary Jane Petty where do you think you're going dressed like that," she asked. I rolled my eyes before turning around.
"Mom all I'm doing is going to the mall with Carly and her friends," I replied.
"Your whole back is showing and your boobs are hanging out," she said. Then dad and aunt Gretta walked to the door.
"What's going on here," dad asked.
"Mom is complaining about my outfit," I replied.
"I don't see anything wrong with it," dad said.
"Tom her back is showing and her boobs are practically hanging out," mom said.
"Honey she's fine and plus she's 23 now. She isn't our little girl anymore," dad said.
"Okay whatever go out," mom said.
"Bye love you guys see you when we get back," Carly and I said in unison as we walked out the door.
I got in the passenger side and Carly got in on the driver's side.
"I hope you're a good driver," I said buckling my seatbelt. She laughed a little before she replied.
"I drive really well don't worry." She then buckled her seat belt and we started out the drive way.
Once we pulled up to the mall it had started to snow. We got out the car and we ran inside, and soon as we got in there her friends ran to us.
"So you guys this is my cousin Mary Jane," Carly said.
"Just call me MJ," I said.
"So is it like true that you're like Tom Petty's daughter," one asked.
"Yes my dad is Tom Petty," I replied.
"So anyways this is Ansley, Amber, Amy, and Beth," Carly said pointing at her friends. Then another group of basic white girls stopped and looked at us.
"Oh hey losers guess your parents finally got paid so you can go and buy off the clearance sale rack," one girl said.
"Come on guys let's go," Carly said and her friends started to walk away.
"That's right go cry to your parents," that girl said. She then looked at me with a disgusted look.
"Carly and her friends come back over here," I said glaring at the girl who insulted my cousin.
"What do you want?" The girl asked.
"You know that was very rude of you to say that to them," I said to the girl.
"Oh wow I'm so sorry I said that," she said with plain sarcasm. "I mean look at you. The 70s called they said they wanted their style back."
"You wanna talk about style? Look at your dumbass. With your stupid ass bright ass green skirt with a fucking neon orange shirt. And those leg warmers look like you fished them out of the garbage. That's why they're two shades of pink. And your hair don't even get me started you look like the autistic kid who stuck a paper clip in an electrical socket. And your makeup doesn't even look good, and your shoes what time period are they from, the Stone Age? Ohh boy your face is so ugly you give Freddy Krueger nightmares. I would insult your 'friends' but I'm afraid I wouldn't do as well as nature did," I told the girl. She looked at me in shock.
"Excuse me who do you think you are? You don't dare in- I stopped her in her sentence.
I pretended to yawn and look at my pretend watch on my arm and said, "Look I have things to do so just email me the rest of it," I said then walking away.
After hours of shopping we were starting to get hungry.
"You guys want Chic Fil A," I asked.
"Yes," they all responded together. We walked to the Chic Fil A in the mall and found a place to sit. We sat there and talk and gossiped about things.
We finished eating and I needed to get back so I could get ready for tonight.
"Bye people it was nice meeting you, we should do this again tomorrow like go get coffee," I said.
"That sounds like a plan," Amy said. Carly and I then got in her car and headed back to her house.
"Are you going to the thing tonight with us," I asked her as she pulled out onto the road.
"Nah the girls and I are gonna have a sleepover at me house," she replied.
"Oh sounds fun, and I guess when we get back and you guys are still up I might hang out with y'all," I said.
"When we have sleepovers we stay up all night and sleep all day," Carly said laughing. "So re you planning to meet anyone special tonight?" I looked over at Carly and she was wiggling her eyebrows.
"Ehhh I don't know," I said.
"Now you know if you do meet the one you have to tell me," She said.
"I promise to tell you," I said as we pinky promised.
~A/N~ As you can tell MJ does not like bullies. Anyways in the next chapter is when they go to the dinner party, and ohhhhh boy she meets so many sexy men 😂😂