Chapter Eleven

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•Vienna's P.O.V•

I looked at the text, biting my lip wondering what he could be on about or what has happened.

Could it be Fede?

Wait, has something happened to Benji?

I only spoke to him like twenty minutes ago, fuck what if it is Richard? Zabdiel? Or one of them?

Or Anouk and Hannah?

A pair of hands placed on my shoulder, making me jump and let out a little yell.

"Vienna, wow are you okay?"Neymar asked, his voice filling up with concern.

I turned around and looked at him as I turned my phone off. "Y-Yeah I'm fine."

"You seem a little freaked out."Neymar said with a concerned expression on his face. "Has something happened?"


"Are you sure?"

I looked down at his chest, realising we were really close by each other then I looked up at him. "I'm sure."

"Something is telling me that you are lying."Neymar said as he saw a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. "Has something happened? Was it me? You look terrified."

His hazel eyes looked into mine as he placed his hand onto my cheek, I looked at him, my legs slowly turning into jelly and my hands became pools of sweat.

"What's happened?"Neymar asked softly as he looked at me. "Please tell me."

My heart began to beat faster then ever, I quickly took a step back and looked at him as my lip quivered.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Ney."I said as I looked at him, wiping my hands against my shirt. "I'm really sorry."

"About what?"Neymar asked with a confused expression on his face.

"I-I have this phone call to make."I quickly said then walked to the balcony with the door closed behind me.

I walked over to the bar of the balcony with my arms resting on it as I looked at the view of Barcelona with my phone in my hand.

This place is my everything, I love it here so much and I promised myself I wouldn't ruin it but here am I, ruining it for myself like always.

My phone pinged again, I looked down at my phone to see it was Riki.

Riki Tiki~ What do you think ASAP means?

Riki Tiki~ Well in my dictionary it means as soon as possible if you know what that means.....

Riki tiki~ I don't think you do....

Riki Tiki~ CALL ME!!

I looked at my phone for a few more seconds then called Riki.


"Don't you understand the meaning of ASAP?!"Riki yelled over the phone in a frustrated voice."What if I was dying or something? Like what the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Somethings came up, I'm sorry about that but I called you now didn't I?"

"You are the last person I would call if
I'm ever in trouble or anything, you and Fede."Riki said with a sigh. "I actually mean that."

"Good, now tell me what's happened."

"They are coming over to Barcelona, to camp Nou and Hannah has booked it for us all."Riki explained over the phone. "Literally she has, it's for us all and they are gunna see you."

"Fuck sake! When?"

"I don't know though, we fly out to Barcelona on Thursday."

"That's in two days Riki!"

"I know."

"When's the tour?"

"She hasn't told us the date."Riki replied with another sigh. "I don't know how this is going to pan out."

"Same, just make sure you text me and everything about what you guys do so I can avoid."

"I don't think you'll be able to avoid them."

"Barca is big city, it's massive along with the stadium so I think I can."

"I don't know, I've got a bad feeling about it."

"It'll work."

"I have to go but there's another problem..."


"Benji might of said you are with a guy named Sergi..."

"What the fuc-"

Riki cut me off. "Bye see you later." And he hung up before I could say anything else.

I let out a frustrated sigh and I looked up at the view, shaking my head a little.

The sidling opened, I turned over my shoulder to see Coutinho stood there with a frown on his face.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"I asked as I painted a smile on my face, looking at him.

He let out a sigh. "It's you, what's going on? You've been acting so odd."

"I'm fine."


I nodded."If I wasn't fine, I would of told you like I always do."

Marc appeared, jumping onto Coutinho's back and looked at me with a massive smile on his face. "Whatcha guys doing?"

"Nothing."I replied as I looked at him and let out a soft chuckle. "What about you?"

"Just really happy over the fact we are going to be clubbing all weekend!"Marc yelled as he threw his arms in the air.

"That's a no from me."

"You mean a yes from you."Marc said as he wiggled his eyebrows, messing Coutinho's hair.

It's rushed and probably doesn't make any sense but I hope you enjoyed it!

Thanks for reading!

Besos 😘

Halayna x

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