[(500 READS SPECIAL) (Any Character) x F! Reader] Truths and Dares

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By: XxSilver_SwirlxX

*After several weeks of doing nothing*

XxSilver_SwirlxX: *casually logs into Wattpad* *spits drink* We have over 500 reads?! How did I miss this?

Basically the story of how I got here

Selene_Crescent: We're sorry for not updating for about a month, so to make it up to you guys, here's our 500 reads special! Pretty much, you get to choose the second character and your own tale!

XxSilver_SwirlxX: For the purpose of the story, (C/N) will be your "Crush's Name". Like this:

(C/N) = Crush Name

There are 4 different endings, so feel free to read them all!

Selene_Crescent: Thank you all so much for many awesome months of Yugioh, so without further ado, enjoy the story!

(WARNING: We do not recommend playing Truth or Dare with your crush in real life to get them to like you. Like seriously, please, do not do it)


You sat warmly on a blanket against the rough forest floors. A fire blazed in the center of the campsite. To be honest, you were surprised so many people showed up. Your (E/C) orbs reflected the embers dancing delicately. For the August month, you, along with your friends, had decided to go camping together. Yet, there was one person you couldn't keep your glance off of;

(C/N) had been your crush for a year now. You glimpsed towards your right, and saw their (H/C) hair being barely illuminated by golden flickers. The (E/C) eyes penetrated the hollow woods. You nervously smiled, just seeing them sit next to you.

Several marshmallows calmly rotated around the flames.

"Hey I have an idea! Why don't we play Truth or Dare?" Joey suggested.

You nodded, "alright," you replied. The others soon agreed, and the game had begun.

"We'll take turns in clockwise," Yusei decided.

"So who's first?" a kind boy with strawberry coloured hair, Trey, asked.

Bastion Misawa thought. "How about Joey? Afterall, he did bring it up". Joey's face turned a slight embarrassed shade of red.

"Err, okay!" he answered. His head shifted to staring at the starry sky in thinking. "Alright! Kaiba! Truth or dare?" he decided quickly. Kaiba casually replied by saying,

"Truth". Joey's expression seemed stumped. There was a cool breeze.

"How about..." he trailed off. "Err, what are your life goals"? The billionaire's response was,

"One, to be the King of Games, two, to stop running into you wherever I go, and three, to be richer than you all". Joey's jaw dropped to the ground. Kaiba seemed to notice, "from the looks of things, I've already completed the third". Before Joey could try to tackle him, Kaiba announced, "Crow, it's your turn".

"Yuya, truth or dare?" Crow asked.

"Dare!" Yuya excitedly replied.

Crow smiled, "I dare you to sniff the pepper shaker," he told Yuya. He gestured to the picnic basket sitting on a tree stump.

"Whaa?" Yuya asked. "Okay," he stepped up to the container. He put a hand in the straw basket and pulled out the shaker. Yuya then sniffed the lid. He scrunched up his nose.

"Ah-ah-achoo!" he sneezed loudly. There were a few giggles while Yuya sheepishly sat back down, and announced, "Glad you liked the show. I'll hand it over to you now, Jack".

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