Chapter 4.

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Incredibly bored, I slouched in my chair as I half listened to what Mrs Briggs was talking about. It was the last half an hour of my class and my motivation was absolute zero when I suddenly felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Sneakily sliding my phone out, I glanced down at the message that had popped up on my screen.

First day at work today! Excited? ;) x

I scowled at Noah's message and quickly sent a reply.

No. x

A few seconds later he messaged back.

Don't worry your pretty little head about it! It'll be fun! :) x

If your definition of fun is spending hours of your precious life slaving over Zach, I suggest you book yourself into a mental institute. x

You're probably right, but I'm far too sexy to wear one of those ugly white jackets! :P x

I laughed silently at his text as I replied. Alyssa gave me a questionable look from across the room and rolled her eyes at me.

Stop texting me, I'm in a class! Haha x

Oooh alright, don't get your knickers in a twist! I'll see you at work! ;) x

See you then! :) x

I sighed when I put my phone away and looked up at the clock - only twenty minutes left. I can do this. I tapped my fingers on the desk as I waited for my torture to end. Then I realised that I'd still have to go straight to work afterwards anyway. Great.

Twenty excruciating minutes later, the bell rang out and everyone got up from their seats. Alyssa walked over and raised an eyebrow at me.

"You were texting Noah, weren't you?" she accused playfully.

"No...?" I laughed.

Butterflies fluttered in my stomach when I thought about him and his stormy grey eyes causing a blush to quickly rise to my cheeks.

"Aw! Lou Lou's got a wittle cwush!" she teased as we walked out of the building. I gave her a look, but couldn't stop the grin emerging on my face.

"He's just a friend." I insisted.

"For now." she smirked, "I've seen the way you both ogle at each other like love sick puppies."

"No we don't." I blushed as she walked backwards, puckering her lips together and batting her eyelashes at me.

She suddenly stopped in her tracks, making me bump into her.

"What the he-" I began, before I saw the sight before me.

Leaning against a glossy black car in all his glory, Zach had his hands in his pockets before taking one out to glance at his Rolex watch clasped to his wrist. Most of the girls from my college had immediately noticed his presence and began whispering to each other about how 'sexy' he was. I had to admit, he was definitely a sight for sore eyes.

His dark hair was chaotic as usual, a five o'clock shadow remained along his chiselled jaw and he was wearing his black suit with a matching tie and a white shirt with polished shoes.

"I'll talk to you after work, yeah?" Alyssa smirked, shooting me a wink before disappearing into the crowd.

His deep brown eyes scanned the crowd before they fell on me. My heart shot into my throat as he caught my eye and all of a sudden I felt extremely self conscious as I combed my fingers through my hair nervously. I swallowed hard as I reluctantly made my way over, hating every step I took towards him and his devilishly handsome form.

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