Chapter 1: Dauntless

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I was born Dauntless, I would always be Dauntless. The Choosing Ceremony felt unnecessary to me since I would remain in the same faction, but Eric forced me to attend. "Formalities," he had said. Since when did he care about formalities?

"Swift Marisol."

I sighed and stood from my chair, walking down the steps of the auditorium and up onto the platform. My eyes lingered on the knife as I slid it across the palm of my hand. Blood slowly emerged from the cut and dripped onto the hot coals of the Dauntless faction's bowl. The coals simmered as the faction erupted with applause.

"Yeah, Swift!" one Dauntless cheered.

I ignored the applause and turned from the platform. I refused a cloth swab for my bleeding palm and instead calmly walked down the steps. As I left the hub to go outside, another name was called. The ceremony resumed and no one stopped me. I don't think anyone even noticed my absence.

Fresh air filled my lungs as I looked around at the old buildings. Since everyone was confined to the hub, I had the entire city to myself. Just how I liked it.

I burst into a run and scaled each of the building's walls, leaping from one roof to the next. My heart beat faster as I felt freedom flow through my veins. I was meant to be a Dauntless. I was convinced of it every time the wind blew through my hair while I ran. Dauntless was where I belonged.

I climbed the tallest building and looked out over the city. There was a certain power I felt when standing above the city, almost as if I controlled it all. Danger scared most people, but I was addicted to the thrill that accompanied it. I couldn't help but find ways to harness the chaos of adventure. Some call it playing with fire but provoking that flame was my favorite type of pastime.

A while had past since I left the ceremony. I wasn't sure exactly how long, but a growl from my stomach convinced me to return to Dauntless. I didn't feel like hopping the train, so I ran over the roofs of buildings again until I reached the hole.

"Where were you?" Eric asked after I slid off the net and onto the ground. Was he seriously waiting around just to confront me? Creep.

I defiantly straightened my jacket and walked past him, "Places."

Thankfully, he didn't seem in the mood to continue the conversation, so he let me leave.

I opened the door to my room and took a shower before dressing for lunch. As I left the bathroom while drying my hair with a towel, I stopped a moment to gaze out through the glass wall that overlooked the city. The sun was traveling behind a building, disappearing slowly as I watched. We will always love you, Maria. Never forget that. Remember that we are watching you from the stars. We are always with you.

The sun had fully disappeared and with nothing more to watch, I left for the dining hall. I couldn't bear the painful memories of the past and welcomed food as a needed distraction.

My eyes scanned the room and I walked to my usual table in the corner, sitting down. I liked being separated from the crowd without the possibility of being disturbed by aggravating small talk. Most people were too intimidated to sit with me, so I was often left alone to eat in peace.

"Where have you been?" Four sat down next to me and stuck his fork in a hamburger from a serving platter in the center of the table. Everyone knew to avoid my table, but Four was the only person who saw past my scowls.

I raised an eyebrow at him and didn't respond.

He smirked and chuckled quietly, "Right, you don't want to talk to me." He grabbed his plate, standing up to leave.

Devotion (Four/Theo Eaton x OC) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now