"Ayden," I called. "Where are you?"
Don't find anything bad, please. Don't find-
"I'm... I'm in here," his voice shook from the living room. I went to him and asked if he was okay and he pointed to the bathroom.
I forgot. This house was technically a crime scene... oops...
"I-I don't have the money to hire a crime scene cleaner. Believe it or not, they don't just do it for you. You'd think it was like provided or something," I sat down Indian style in my recliner and fiddled with my hands.
"I can help you clean it if you want me to," Ayden suggested.
"No, you want to shower and stuff. Just do me a favor," I started. "There's a basket on the kitchen table filled with towels. Do you mind grabbing that for me?"
He went and grabbed it without hesitation. I told him to get one for his shower and he did. Then, I pointed him in the direction to the bathroom and off he went.
I started to clean up all the dried up blood, which wasn't easy, but soon stopped when I realized I was wearing his clothes. I stripped to my underwear and tied a towel around my body and continued cleaning. Every couple of minutes or so, I used the sink water to wet the towels. He probably enjoyed that. I laughed to myself.
Realizing I should sanitize the area after I got all the blood up about ten minutes later, I stood to go raid the kitchen for any cleaner I could find.
I turned around only to be met by a really naked Ayden. Of course he had a towel on his waist but... that's it.
I yelped "Oh shit! I'm sorry," and I covered my eyes.
"It's fine. You're in a towel too. Why, might I ask?"
"I didn't wanna ruin your clothes," I responded, lowering my arms. "And now I need cleaner. So if you'll excuse me," I started to pass him when he grabbed my wrist.
"What the hell do you think-"
"Breathe, Charley," he said calmly. "I know you're upset, and for a valid reason, but it's doing you no good."
I started to tear up. Why me? Why now? All my life I have prevented this... why now? I started to pull away but he wouldn't let go. Ayden slid his hand into mine gently.
"Let me finish up. Go take a shower, and put on some fresh clothes. It'll be done when you're finished."
"But-" I fought.
"Charley!" He snapped slightly, making me jump. He soon regained stability and softness. "For once, let someone take care of you for a change. You've done so much for everybody else. It's not fair," he paused, "Now go take a nice shower. I'll be finished when you get out."
I hesitated, and he let go.
"Now, Charley."
I turned to go take my shower and you could say I was "salty", but let's just not and say we did.
I grabbed a pair of short black athletic shorts with the white seam stripe things? Y'all know what I'm talking about. For a top, I got my gray oversized off the shoulder shirt.
My shower was nice. I almost couldn't relax, but eventually I started to fall asleep. It was warm and cozy. I just wish it was always this feeling, you know? The feeling of tranquility. The feeling of a worry free life. But it's not. And I don't think it ever will be.I washed up and got out of the shower in about 10 or 12 minutes, I would say. I put on my clothes, deodorant and a perfume, then went to get Ayden some of my dad's old clothes from a box I kept in my room. I grabbed him some of my dad's old plaid lounge pants and a black v-neck top. I went downstairs, and, as promised, he was finished. It smelled highly of bleach and Clorox but, hey, it was clean. That's all I could have asked for.
"Hey, man. Here are some clothes for you. I'm sure they will fit," I said handing them to him. He took them happily, reminded me to breathe, and went upstairs to put the clothes on.
Was it going to be weird seeing him in my father's clothes? Yes. Was it going to be awkward now that he has seen a part of me only Tris has witnessed? That's his choice.

End the Storm
Teen FictionCharley Reise is not what you would call ordinary. She has a 6-year-old brother that she raised on her own. Their father, Joshua, was murdered a couple months after Shawn was born, right in front of Charley and her mother. His death is the reason sh...