I Do Not Exept Loki's Death!

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So this might seem over due. Ok. It is WAY overdue but you can't blame me. I have been taking some time off to mourn (which included lots of fanfics about Loki and Tom Hiddleston. No crying involved. I mourn is a special way.)

"At least Tom Hiddleston is still alive." they said.

"It's just a movie." they said.

"Why did Marvel do this!" I cry.

The big question that I'm trying to ask is, do you think he's really gone? He pulled the 'death' card before, but would he do it again? The actor already admitted (so I think) that loki was gone. But on the caste of the next movie of the Avengers, he is still on there! Could it be? Or is it just memories from Thor, or even a honorable burial like their mother or possibly even like Odin's death. Tell me what YOU think!

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