Ch. 3 Candy

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Jungkook sits at his desk and rubs his head, the light is off and he sniffles.

The light suddenly flicks on and Jungkook looks up to see Taehyung, standing there smiling. "WHAT?" Jungkook says sternly and annoyed, rubbing his eyes from the burn of light.

"Ssoo, Jimin had a little visit from Jisoo." Tae walks in and gets closer to Jungkook, leaning over his desk. "It's about Suga."

Jungkook and Tae sat in the car, Jungkook sniffled and rubbed his head some more. "Are you okay?" Tae leans to see Jungkooks face, concerned, but Jungkook responds with a smug look. "I'm fine." He says clearing his throat.

Tae leans back again and sighs.

Finally, Jungkook lets out a sneeze and then starts the car. Tae looks over to him again and shakes his head. Jungkook begins to drive, turning on his windshield wipers. "Listen, you want a tylonal or something?" Tae asked, insisting he helps. "No, I said I was fine. Focus on work." Jungkook speeds up and rubs his eyes, Tae decided to drop it for now.

When Jisoo had visited Jimin she had told him places where Suga likes to spend his nights getting drunk. That is where they were heading to now.

Arriving at the first bar Jungkook makes it clear that he does the talking, Tae will watch from afar.

The first bar they walk in and ask around if anyone had seen Suga. All replies were a no.

Finally, Jungkook and Taehyung walk into another bar. This one was full of people, dancing and yelling drunken nonsense. Jungkook sneezed and pointed to a random girl that was alone at the bar. "I'll go ask her!" he yells through the loud music. Taehyung nods an okay and decides to sit at a small table in the back.

Jungkook walks up to the girl and sits next to her, her hair was wavey and died a bright blond. "Excuse me!" Jungkook yelled as he ordered himself a drink. The girl looks over at him, her makeup was a mess. "Umm, do you know anyone by the name Suga?!" Jungkook inhales his drink quickly.

"Yeah, I know him. What you want some of his candy?!" the girl starts to laugh. Jungkook orders two shots.

"Uh, no. Where can I find him?!" he asked, pushing a shot to her.

"Uuuuugh, he's somewhere over there. If not then check the back I dunno." she weakly points to the other side of the bar.

Jungkook takes another shot and leaves the girl without saying another word. He begins to walk to the area she pointed to, not remembering his partner is in the back by himself.

Taehyung noticed Jungkook leaving. He stood up quickly and followed him, keeping a distance, but trying to keep Jungkook in his view. People pushed and jumped around, splashing their drinks on Taehyung. Tae ignored the animals and found a spot he could sit and keep an eye on Jungkook.

"Hey!" Jungkook yells to a thin man dressed all in black, he looks up at him.
"Do you know where I can find Suga?!" Jungkook looked as much of a mess as anyone in there. His face was red and his voice was congested.

The man in black sat in a corner, surrounded by women, all seem a bit young. He looked up at a tired Jungkook. "I'm him," he says with a smirk.

"I.. I need to talk to you, please." Jungkook coughs. Suga pushes the girls away and motions for Kook to come to sit next to him. Jungkook stumbles slightly but manages to keep himself together.
"Ha, you drunk kid?" Suga smirks and pushes a drink to Jungkook.

"I'm not drunk," he says, squinting his red eyes and wiping the water from them.

"Well, if you wanna talk, drink up." Suga takes a drink himself and pours it down his throat.
Jungkook pulls himself together again and drinks it down fast, coughing after the pure burn of alcohol hit his insides.

"So, what you want?" Suga looks around.

From afar Taehyung, of course, can't make out what they are saying. But, he can see his partner obviously sick and now buzzed. Hopefully, Jungkook doesn't forget what they are doing.

"I need... To ask... Do you know Emma?" Jungkook had already messed up.

"Emma... Um, well I haven't seen her in a few days." Suga starts to fidget with his hands as he scans the bar more.

"How do you know Emma?" Suga asks Jungkook who was drinking more.

"Shes, my friend." Jungkook hacked and started to shake. Suga looked over at him with disgusted. "The hell is wrong with you druggy?" he gets up.

Taehyung gets up and they meet eyes. Jungkook stays sitting and drinking random shit around him.

"Damnit," Suga says to himself as he hops over Jungkook and makes a break for the door. Taehyung reacts fast and chases him.

Suga pushes everyone as he runs outside and into the street, heading down to an ally way Taehyung is behind him, pulling out his gun.

"STOP!" He yelled after Suga.

Taehyung was afraid of losing him, so he shot his gun low, hitting Suga in the leg.

Taehyung was able to reach him as he fell to the pavement hard, holding his leg and grunting in pain.
"W-what the fuck?!" Suga's hands were covered in his own blood. "Don't run from the police then," Taehyung said as he called an ambulance.

"You didn't kill her did you?" Taehyung said looking down. "Fuck! No! I just sleep with teens and deal drugs I'm not a murder!!" he lets out more grunts.

After the ambulance had come, Taehyung had to find his partner who is most likely passed out or lost at this point.

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