England v Sweden

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So, today I was actually able to get to the stadium without just appearing there not knowing what happened, and even tried to sing along to the anthem....

All I basically did was repeat the lyrics that they was singing. So, for example, if they was singing, 'God save our gracious queen'

I would go, 'Goddd suve our ggjrhrks qu.. queen.' 

And the worst part is, that was exact. 

Though, this match was incredibly good - probably because I didn't train them - because they scored 2-0 (to us obviously) and the scores were Harry Maguire and Dele Alli, both with the power of their heads.

Well for Dele it was probably his magnificent hair, while for Harry it may of been his giant forehead. Either way, we won so oh well. 

N-no offence to either of them, of course.

"Did you see that?" Dele came up to me cheering as If I was asleep during the start of the match all the way to the end.



...... Shush. 

"Gotta thank the hair, eh?" I said, ruffling his brown and blonde curls, making him smirk as he gazed at me. 

"Yeaaaah. And the Maguire Head." Dele said, turning to the side to look at Harry, who was doing some sort of weird dance thingymabob with Jesse and Kyle. I mean, sure sure. 

"Of course." I replied, chuckling a little. "Bet you hella proud, ent ya?" 

"Sureeee." Dele said, before being interrupted by Ruby, surprise surprise.

"Heya, Jess." She said with her fake ass voice using her fake ass lips on her fake ass body on her fake ass personality....

Sorry, that was a bit of an understatement. 

"Heeeeyy, Rubes." I said, trying to be friendly just like she was, when we both knew very well that we are not on good terms. 

"Did you see that? Dele bear is amazing!" 


"Isn't he?" 

"Yeah." I said, looking over to Dele who was trying to not burst out laughing. 

"Anyways, Jessica, any fishes in the sea yet?" 


"Oh yeah, how's you and Jesse? Going on well? I heard you two have been on like two dates!" 


"How about this third one, I try to get him to, you know, kiss ya. You can't have gone on two dates and not even be together and not even kissed!" 

"No, its fine, really-" 

"Me and Dele bear snogged on the first date and on the second date-" 

"Okay, I don't need to know! PLEASE DON'T GET THAT IMAGINE IN MY- Oof, too late." 

"Alright, alright. But it was amazing, though-" 

"I WILL JUST GO MAKE MYSELF LEGALLY BLIND, I'LL SEE YOU ALL.... SOMETIME." I said, covering my ears with my hands as I walked off, not knowing where to go.


It was dad, catching upto me after celebrating with the lads. "Hey, dad." 

"Did you see that?"

"Does everyone think I sleep all the time or just legally blind? Because one of those options are correct! You struggling to know which? How about we play a game of WHO WANTS TO BE A BROKE ASS BITCH? I'LL GIVE YOU A CLUE, NO WAIT THERE'S NO CLUE, BECAUSE THE ANSWER IS TOO OBVIOUS-" 

"Jessica." Dad said, calming me down. "Chill." 

"Okay, dad." 

"Alright. So, Jessica, I wanted to ask you something before you went on one of your usual....rants." 


"I want you to manage the team again. When we go against Croatia." 

"You know how what happened last time dad." 

"Okay, we lost because you didn't do the drill-" 

"The Swedens stole my hokey pokey tactic and did it better!" I said, holding back the tears. "Ikea gave me depression... I guess I'll just have to abandon the panda sofa chair I was trying to build when I was 8 years old..." I couldn't help but my eyes water at this point.

It's just so sad. 

Really straight to the heart, honestly. 

"I want you to manage the team, Jessica. Do whatever you like." 

"But, dad, this is the semi finals we're talking about. We are so close for it coming home-" And just as I said this, the whole stadium started going 'ITS COMING HOME, ITS COMING HOME, ITS COMING, FOOTBALLS COMING HOME.' "Wow." 

"Jessica, I believe you have the potential to do this." Dad said, before disappearing and leaving me standing there. 

Shitting hell. Might as well do an apology letter...

Dear, The England Team,

                                                     If you are reading this, I don't know why you're reading my shitty diary about my shitty life that I spelt as 'diarrhea' when I was like 2... I was a very smart baby, Mr Kyle Walker. You know what, maybe I should of done this on some sort of napkin. Ah, oh well. And you should be reading this sometime after you lose against Croatia. Welp....I am so very dearly sorry. I hope you all live your life after I get murdered by the whole of the England fandom, hehe......And I'm finishing this here because I probably have dyslexia of some sort or just pure laziness.

Or both.

Yours sincerely, Jessica Southgate.


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