Chapter 9

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        It's probably past midnight when I awaken later that night. The seven of us conversed late into the night until Mingyu finally passed out in one of my recliners. That's when Joshua told us that it would be a good idea for us to go to sleep. Most of us managed to make temporary beds out of the chairs and couch, but Seokmin and Seungkwan decided to head to my room and share my bed while Chan just took a couple throw pillows and a blanket from my room and laid in front of my couch. Joshua took the recliner across from Mingyu and Soonyoung and I made ourselves comfortable on my couch. It was more like Soonyoung didn't want to release me and made me cuddle him, but it's not like I put up much of a fight against him anyways. That's how we all fell asleep that night. But now, there was a continuous flash of light that woke me from my slumber.

I notice that it was coming from my bag that Chan had brought back from the party, so it was most definitely my phone. There must've been a new message that was sent to it. Since I was already woken up by it and because I was curious of the contents of the message, I carefully unwrapped Soonyoung's arm from around my torso. It wasn't very hard since he, and all the guys for this matter, are incredibly heavy sleepers. I gently place his arm down and slowly swing my legs off of the couch. My breath hitches when my feet come into contact with Chan, who I forgot was sleeping below me. Thankfully, the light touch of my foot only caused him to writhe a bit before he settled back down like nothing had happened. I sigh in relief and continue my trek to my flashing bag.

My phone was placed in an outer pocket, which made it rather simple to retrieve it without making much noise. I open my messages to see just who was texting me so late at night, but all I saw was an unknown number flashing across my screen. Who would be texting me so late?

Unknown Number: hey (Name), it's Jun~ I know it's pretty late, but Coups wanted me to figure out a date that you're free to come over and we can figure out what to do with you. [1:23 AM]

(Name):Why did you have to message me this early? What if one of my friends checked my messages before me and saw this? [1:25 AM]

Feeling my annoyance towards the vampire grow, I decided to save his number under an alias instead of his actual name. I take a screenshot of his new name and send it to him to hopefully rile him up.

(Name): [img.jpg] [1:25 AM]

Mr. Nibbles: Honestly didn't think that through, but it didn't happen, so all is well with the world ;3 [1:27 AM]

Mr. Nibbles: Wtf is this nickname?? Change it now! [1:27 AM]

(Name):Why should I? Isn't this easier for me to hide your identity? Plus, I kinda like it [1:28 AM]

Mr. Nibbles:oh, yeah. How genius. Give a vampire an alias based on what they actually do. Incredible. Humans are ingenious. [1:29 AM]

Mr. Nibbles:(Name) if you don't change it, I will go to your apartment right now. I'm faster than my car, I swear. Do you want me to bite you?! >:( [1:30 AM]

(Name) wouldn't dare! Besides, I know for a fact that the myth that vampires have to be invited inside your house is actually true. [1:31 AM]

Mr. Nibbles:Wanna know another fact? Vampires invented welcome mats to bypass this rule. Don't try to fact check a vampire about its own kind, because I know everything ;) [1:32 AM]

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(Name): Fine. Whatever. Back to the actual reason you texted me [1:32 AM]

Mr. Nibbles:oh right. So I just need to know a day I can get you and we can meet with Coups to know what to do with you. Don't worry, I won't make you do anything you don't want to do... mostly. You'll still have to help us in some way [1:34 AM]

(Name):Give me a few days. My friends were pretty crazy when I disappeared, so I doubt they'll let me out of their sight anytime soon [1:35 AM]

Mr. Nibbles: alright, I can deal with that. Be careful when I'm not around. I don't need you getting attacked again. Bye (Name) [1:35 AM]

(Name):Bye Nibbles. Don't worry about me disappearing. I'm too scared that one of you seven will track me down if I try to leave [1:36 AM]

I giggle from the exchange Jun and I just had and I scroll up on my phone to reread the messages. However, as I read through everything, I notice something that fills me with curiosity and slight dread.

When did I tell Jun my name?

I knowI never mentioned it to him or any of the guys. They never asked for it, nor did I feel the need to tell them because the timing was never right. I doubt they grabbed my wallet when I was unconscious and checked my ID to see what my name was. So how did Jun know? Thinking back, he also said my name before I walked inside my apartment, but it didn't register because I just wanted to get back into my apartment to see my friends.

The questions start to fill my head and I'm suddenly back where I was when I first met the vampires. Full of distrust and contempt for them, but mainly fear. Fear of how much they probably know about me and how little I know about them. Without thinking, I rush to my door and escape outside, dialing Jun's number to speak to him personally about what he knows.

The dial tone rings in my ears as well as my shaky breath as I wait for him to pick up. My hands grip the freezing railing in front of me, adding on to the violent shaking my body is doing. "Pick up... pick up," I mutter, my teeth starting to bite my bottom lip as I wait in anticipation.

"(Name)? What's up? Why are you calling me?" Jun's tired voice asks.

"Shut up!" I snap at him. I hear his breath hitch at my sudden outburst and I almost apologize, but I shake my head and make myself continue. "How the hell do you know my name? I never told you! I know I didn't, so tell me how you know!"

"Hey, hey. Calm down, (Na—"

"Don't call me my name until you tell me how you know it!" I shout. My legs start shaking and I collapse to my knees, leaning on the railing next to me. "... I never thought someone knowing my name would terrify me so much, but it does because a vampire knows it. What else do you know about me that I haven't told you? How am I supposed to trust you with my life if you don't tell me anything?"

It's silent on both ends for what feels like hours. His silence makes me feel even worse like he's trying to think of a way to lie to me so he wouldn't have to tell me how he knows my name. But his next words surprise me. "You're right... I'm sorry."

My mouth opens a bit in surprise. I didn't think he'd actually admit to keeping secrets from me, but now that he has, I feel relieved, yet still angry that there were secrets in the first place. I know I'm not going to know everything about their kind, but when it involves me, I feel like I have a right to know. "Sorry won't cut it, Jun. You need to tell me how you know my name and everything else you know involving me."

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