Game Over

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Half a year later, 2018

"Thank you hyung~" you cooed out in your newly bought gaming chair. You giggled excited as you swung yourself around the chair, making rounds until you were slightly dizzy.

Supreme Boi yawned in response at you with one hand in his pocket and the other scratching the back of his hair like he had just woken up.

Well technically, you did wake him up pretty early.

"You can do the rest yourself right?" He asked you, though already preparing to leave the room with the hand that was in his pocket already placed on to the door knob.

You happily nodded in response as you watch him leave your room with shutting the door on his way out.

You stood up and took small steps.

You proceeded to grab a light box by the corner before going back to your chair to sit again. You let out a hum while opening the box and taking its contents out. A bearbrick figurine that Namjoon gave you. A little Mario plush doll from Jin. A set of custom made headphones that Yoongi gave you for your birthday. A medium size picture frame that you got from Hoseok which contained some polaroid pictures that were given from Jimin. 3 sets of Suga acrylic stands that were given to you by Taehyung, since Yoongi didn't let him sell it off, he gave it to you. A lava lamp that Jungkook gave you, the fixed Jwi doll that you made. And last but not least, the letters that the members had individually wrote to you. 

You used the table to pull yourself over with the chair wheels rolling, and placed all the items onto the empty space of the table just right beside the monitors and speakers area.

Once done, you slightly pushed yourself back a bit and admire the work that you had Supreme Boi help (force) you with. There was a big flat screen TV installed right above your working station. Big speakers were hung on each side of the wall. There was a long marble black desk right in front that held the newest version of two screen display monitors with a keyboard and a mouse placed right in front. On the keyboard's left stood a soundboard with millions of buttons and lights lightening up. Beside that desk stood a musical keyboard along with a guitar placed by its side. On the opposite of it stood a shelf filled with books that both Joon and Jimin recommended with additional toy figurines and albums. There was also a couch filled with all the BT21 cushions, placed just right by the door that was close by a black curtain.

You had each set of BTS albums, all in a row on the top shelf, ordered by its date. All the special releases, typos, prototypes and most importantly the limited edition releases.

You still couldn't believe that Bang Pd-nim had released a whole new repackage album just specifically for you. The album had the old BTS logo instead of the new one and was only available for 8 days until ARMYs were informed of your leaving. The album included all your previous pictures that never got released, from No More Dream era to the latest album. The tracklist consisted of all the songs that you helped produce, whether you were a secret producer or not, and all the songs that you sang in. The photo cards consisted of you with at least one other member. And the most special thing about it? It contained a list of instructions on how to get your particular hints of all your secret appearances in every MV.

You really thought that after all the disrespectful things you did to Bang Pd-nim, you would have been denied and get kicked out by now.

But it was Bang Pd-nim, sure he has his favourites and sometimes harsh view on idols, he is still human after all, an understanding one at that.

He never scolded you when you wanted to leave the group.

He accepted your decision and even made you an official Big Hit producer.

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