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Cas pov

My breath hitched as I started to fall towards the Earth. Everything was going leisurely. I felt my face blaze as I neared the ground. I can't explain the tremendous pain I was felling as my wings burned to nothingness. I screamed as I plummeted into the Earth.

I screamed, my eyes fluttering open to reveal that I was in my room in the bunker. Dean busted through my door and ran to my aid with his colt M1911A1 in his hand. His face looked worried and tired as it was 2:48 in the morning. Not only was it early but Dean and Sam had gotten back from a hunt only 2 hours ago. Guilt flooded my face as I realized I had woken my Best friend for nothing but a mere nightmare..

"Cas? Are you ok?" Dean said as he set his gun on the nightstand that stood next to my bed.

"I'm sorry Dean..Please go back to bed." I said, pulling the sheets back over me. Hiding my face in my pillow.

"No, you need to tell me what's going on you have been having nightmares for the past month now." Dean said as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"It's nothing Dean just a nightmare." I said as I tried not to let my nightmares leak into my vision.

"Damnit Cas!" Dean yelled as he grabbed me by the collar.

"Dean..-" I began but was soon cut off again as Dean looked me dead in the eye.

"Cas. Tell me what's going on. Your family and I am worried about you. Both Sammy and I are very worried. Please talk to me." Dean said softly as if I was some puppy he was trying not to scare off.

I let out a deep sigh as I looked Dean in the eye and said in almost a whisper "Every day since I fell..I have been reliving that day," I felt tears brim my eyelids. I felt warm arms wrap around me. I felt my heart beat faster, I looked at Dean's lips as my stomach became twisted in knots. We stat there for a few minutes before Dean stood up and grabbed his gun. "Wait.." I whispered. Dean turned towards me.

"What is it Cas?" Dean yawned.

"Can you stay with me for the night?" I turned my head as I asked.

"Um I don't know Cas" Dean responded.

"Please..?" I said doing the puppy eyes that always get a yes from him.

Dean sighs "Ok fine, but stay on your side of the bed." Dean groaned as he climbed into the damp sheets. He gave me a are-you-kidding-me look before standing up. "Jeez Cas your sweat is all over the blankets." Dean said angrily

"S-Sorry Dean" I said in a whisper.

"Its fine Cas," He sighed "Go take a shower and I will get knew sheets." Dean spoke as he began to take the sheets and blankets off the bed. He put them into my hamper near the door. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I stripped down and got into the shower.

Third person pov

Dean went to the closet down the hall and opened it. The closet was filled with many sheets and blankets but had cleaning stuff too. Dean grabbed new clean sheets and a blanket. As Dean was heading back to Cas's room he heard a loud thump come from the bathroom. Dean hurried into the room and plopped the sheets and the blanket on the bed and he went and knocked on the door.

"Cas?" Dean asked as he knocked

No response

"Cas??" Dean asked again waiting for an answer.

A small groan came from behind the door.

"Cas buddy are you ok?" Dean asked pressing his ear against the door, so he could hear small movements.

Another groan came from behind the door. Dean knocked on the door again getting more worried. "Cas, I'm coming in." Dean said as he covered his eyes with his hand and walked in. "Cas buddy are you ok?" Dean said feeling around for he counter.

"I slipped.." Cas said as he stood up. Rubbing his eyes free of water.

"Are you good now?" Dean asked still covering his eyes.

Cas looked at Dean and blushed a deep red as he was standing naked in front of Dean. Even though Dean's eyes were covered he still felt butterflies in his stomach.

"Cas?" Dean asked wondering if Cas was still there.

"Y-ya I'm fine thanks.." Cas stuttered still eyeing Dean.

"Alright hurry up I will be making the bed." Dean said as he began to exit.

Suddenly Dean felt a wet hand wrap around his wrist. "Dean.." Cas spoke quietly.

"Yes Cas..?" Dean asked with his back to Cas.

'If you love someone you show them' Sam's words repeated in Cas's head. Cas took a deep breath as he turned Dean towards his and smashed their lips together. Dean's eyes widened as he pulled away. Dean wiped his mouth with a corner of his shirt.

"What the hell Cas!?" Dean yelled while a bit flustered.

"I-I'm sorry Dean.." Cas said as he backed up.

"You should be! I don't lean that way!" Dean yelled as he turned out of the room "Leave!" Was all he said before slamming Cas's bedroom door shut.

Cas felt horrible as tears fell down his cheeks he quickly got dressed in a black shirt and Jeans and packed as much stuff in his small bag while his tears fell. He grabbed his phone his knife he got from Dean to protect himself. Cas swung it over his shoulder as he made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed a piece of paper and picked up a pen and wrote a letter to the Winchesters.

I'm sorry,

I didn't mean to make Dean mad at me.

I left just like he told me too.

I'm sorry Dean you won't ever see me again..


Cas whipped away his tears and set the note near Sam's laptop and headed out the bunker into the cold night.

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