It was the seventh day of autumn, The day he would say those three words. The day he would tell his thoughts about him and how he fell into a bliss for him.
The porcelain man named Cuphead shook slightly, feeling tensed of the out coming reaction he would get from the demon named Bendy.
"You can do it cups"
His friends Felix, and Boris, along with his brother, mugman cheers him on. It warmed Cuphead's heart that his friends and brother supports him of his sexuality. It was something most people couldn't have friends and family that stick together through thick and thin.
"Thank you so much guys for everything "
"No problem cups"
He stepped outside their shared home and drove towards the park, were he saw The love of his life waiting by the fountain, sitting on the edge staring at mere oblivion, as if in a trance.
Cuphead gulped and slowly walked near the fountain, with his hands gripping on something behind his back. Bendy heard footsteps that snaps him out of his trance, seeing Cuphead with a shaking smile on his face, and eyes filled with nervousness.
"Bendy? "
"Yes cups? "
"I called you here to tell you something "
Cuphead sat beside him and looked down, taking a deep breath before he continued.
"Bendy, ever since I've met you... you were nothing but a bundle of joy that made me smile and moved my heart"
Both of them were blissful at this heat of a moment, feeling nothing but bashful, but Cuphead still continues.
"Bendy I began to feeling things towards you, feelings that I cannot fully explain, feelings that made me flutter when I'm around you, and soon I realized something "
Cuphead kneels down and held the object he was gripping on as a box that revealed a ring of pure gold.
"Bendy, I've realized that I have fallen in love with you and I can't fly out of it, will you be willing to catch me? "
He was now trembling, trembling if he was moving too fast or too slow. But he was shocked as he heard Bendy giggled.
"You know Cuphead... I must confess, I felt the same since I met you"
Cuphead jumped, now flushed from disbelief.
"R-really?! "
"Well would this explain everything? "
Cuphead was cut off when he felt Bendy's lips collided with his. He felt comfort, safe, Complete.
"So does this mean? "
"It means yes idiot "
"Well I'm your idiot now"
They giggled and laughed, as Cuphead slipped the ring to his now fiancé Bendy. Tears of joy slid down their lips as they kissed together again.
"I love you Bendy"
"I love you too Cuphead, much more than you will ever know"

one shots I guest
FanfictionThis is where my short and random ideas are dumped harshly