The entire school day seemed to practically fly by, thankfully. As much as I enjoyed being back in Crystal Heights, and as much as I loved the new friends I've made, school is still school, and school is stressful.
I shut my locker after grabbing my chemistry book and headed towards my last class of the day.
Today I would be sitting alone, since Lana and Michael both seemed to have skipped school today. Ashton and Luke invited me out to the bleachers for lunch again earlier but I politely declined, I felt bad for ditching Alaina yesterday so I stayed inside with her, scolding her for still making no effort to speak to Luke today.
Since Michael wasn't around to interrupt anyone, I tried bringing up their Australian friend again but was immediately shot down. It's like he's some gigantic secret and they've all made a pact not to talk about him. I brushed it off trying my best to not seem annoyed and as far as I'm aware, it worked once Ashton began talking about the way some girl in his gym class' ass looked in her shorts.
With a deep sigh I stepped into the nearly full chemistry room to see Chase sitting quietly in Lana's seat, his grey eyes lighting up once realizing I've arrived.
"Hey." He greeted with a wide smile.
"Hey." I returned his smile as I walked over to the lab table and sat in my seat beside him.
"I noticed your friend hasn't been here all day so I figured you'd be lonely."
"My hero."
We both laughed as more students piled into the room laughing and chatting with their friends.
Chase turned his body completely in his chair so he could fully face me, a grin never leaving his lips.
"So, Simon's party's tonight." He began.
"How could I forget? You're like the hundredth person I've heard mention it today."
"Well he's known for throwing the biggest parties."
"And wearing a lot of cologne." I chimed.
Chase chuckled scratching the back of his head.
"Yeah, that too. So, you're still gonna go with me right? You're not backing out?"
"Why would I back out of going with you?"
He shrugged his shoulders, turning back towards the front of the room.
"You could've found someone better."
I couldn't help but smile at the way he'd replied, his voice just above a whisper and clear nervousness in his tone.
"Who could be better than you, Chase?"
He chuckled again and his wide smile returned, making my stomach jump at the sight. He really was adorable.
"Just make sure to text me where you live and I can come get you around eight."
"Alright." I smiled.
Chase kindly returned my smile and nudged my shoulder playfully before Mrs. Ramsey took her place in front of everyone.
"Page 262, chapter eleven." She spoke.
Without a word we all did as we were told and opened up our notebooks as well.
"I have absolutely nothing to wear!" I groaned into my phone that was being held between my ear and shoulder as I angrily dug through my closet.
Ashton chuckled on the other end of the line and I huffed to myself, taking my phone into my hand but still holding it to my ear.
"This isn't funny."

Reject ❀ c.h. [punk au]
Fanfiction❝I would have followed him to hell if he had asked me, and maybe I did.❞ copyright © 2014 / lovablenarry