Chapter Three

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With Christmas rolling around, I buy a phone card and call my parents in Dubai. I try to save money, really, but things just seem to be getting more and more expensive these days. They jacked up the price of the bus due to an increase in gas, fresh vegetable prices are going up, although that's probably because of the drought in California. Still, it means my bank account it running dry and still have rent to pay.

"Imani!" My mom says, picking up the phone. "What's up?" The way we departed had been rough but two years away from them I decided I didn't want to be angry at them forever, though I don't think our relationship will ever be the same.

"I'm running out of money. I really don't know what's happening over here, all the prices are going up. I think the economy is taking a downturn."

"Have you been reading the news?"

"Nothing more than a few glimpses, I've been really busy with school."

"The dow has been dropping and dropping. You might not feel the closure in Boston just yet, but I'm afraid you will soon. You should come to Dubai with us before things get too bad over there."

I sigh. "He probably has people at every airport. I don't want to take the chance."

"I think they have cruises that go from the US to Europe. Then you can bounce around countries to throw your trail if you're worried."

"What about Nia and Iris?" She pauses. Behind her, I hear the sound of beeping, maybe a microwave signaling that her food is ready. "Well?"

"You gotta save yourself first."

I suck my teeth. "There's no way I'm going to leave friends here. Not after they helped me escape."

"You're only risking their lives by staying with them. You guys should've split way by now."

"Mom, please send money through Western Union."

"There are colleges here that I'm sure you can transfer to if you would just apply."

"Mom, please, let's not have this talk now. I really need money."

"Fine. Check Western Union tomorrow morning."


She drops the phone and I'm left with a beeping line. I tuck it into my back pocket and go about the rest on the day. She never stops trying to convince me that I should join them in Dubai. I think we both know it's practically impossible at this point.

The next morning I go to Walgreens to pick up the Western Union money. The day is bitter cold, easily in negatives. My teeth chatter when I enter. I pick up a cart and grab a large bag on m&ms of the shelf. I didn't come in to buy anything, but its a chocolate sort of day.

"I.D?" I take out my school I.D and hand it across the counter.

"I'm sorry, the order has been canceled."

I shift onto one leg. "Canceled? What do you mean canceled?"

"The money order has been canceled. Call the person who sent it." he hands me my bag of m&ms but I still stand dumbfounded.

"Are you sure? Completely that it's been canceled?"

"There is no order for an Imani Walker. I'm sorry miss, but there's nothing I can do for you."

"It's not your fault," I mumble. "Have a good day."

I leave the store and open my phone up. My cold fingers fumbled to type in the passcode. I hold it up to my ear, anxiety building. An automated voice answers me. "The number you called has been disconnected-"

I drop the call like it's poisonous. She wouldn't disconnect her phone a day after we talked. And at the very least, Dad would call me to tell me that she changed her number. Something happened to her.


Jonah's POV

When I get the information the Brohmen family, all I have to do is open the file to see it's Imani's father but much much younger. There's a photo of him and Imani's mother at a celebration. They must be around my age or maybe even a little younger. Imani and a younger version of her mother could be twins. The only thing that sets them apart is their noses.

I sift through the papers and land upon a report of the whole incident. I read it quickly, scanning the paper and stopping on a paragraph that talks about a visit to a soothsayer. Most families that can afford the fee go to a soothsayer or an oracle to predict their child's future before the birth. Mine didn't, I had been a troubled pregnancy and my mother was bedridden for almost all of it.

"Prophecy hmm?" No word of that this prediction might be, but if it might have been a factor into scaring a Beta away from his affluent post, it must've been something big. I wonder how I can find it--if the woman who spoke it is still alive even.

The door bursts open beside me and in comes my Beta, heaving, and puffing. I lift my brow. "What happened to you?"

"News. The Middle Eastern team was monitoring the Brohmens as you told them too and they found a payment going from Dubai to Boston."

I look at him, interested caught. "And what did they do afterward?"

"Cut the payment and kidnap the Brohmens. Ian Jacobi, you remember him right? He identified them as the Walkers."

I sigh. "I have no want for them. I don't care where they go or what they do. But bring them to me since you've caught them. Send more scouts to Boston, see if they can find her and when they do, tell them to take pictures."

"Yes, Alpha." He bowed and left just as fast as he'd come. So we have the parents, but when will we catch the daughter? Soon. Soon.


"The wards need to be stronger," I say, pushing into the room. Nia looks at me dumbfounded. "And this mark needs to be erased more and I need a bigger dose of Wolfsbane, and, and-" I'm breaking into cries, struggling to breathe. "We're not hidden enough." My hands are numb, my heart is racing. I tear at my scarf. I'm suffocating. "I c-can't breath." I claw at my neck. "Help."

Nia wrapped her arms around my shoulders, dragging me backwards. 'Sit down and we'll talk. But you have to calm down first."

"C-can't." My breaths are jagged and shaky. Not enough air, I can't get enough air.

"Tell me what happened." She rubs my back in circles. "Tell me what happened."

"My mother's phone has been disconnected and her Western Union payment didn't go through. I called my dad on the way home and his number was disconnected too. Something's happened to them and if we don't take time, something is going to happen us to."

"Shush, nothing is going to happen to us." She moves to the kitchen and comes up with a steaming cup of tea. "We'll reinforce the wards and we'll start experimenting on your mark again until he could walk past you and not even notice it's you."

"Thank you." I take the cup from her. I take a sip. It tastes like honey and something else, something I'm not familiar with. "What is this?"

"A calming tea. I want you to relax. Iris and I will talk it over when she gets back."

She retreats into her room and I kick off my shoes. I drain half the cup when my eyes begin to droop. I want to stay awake, I want to alert when Iris comes back. I....I

I close my eyes.

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