{Cover art; @ikumaru on Instagram}
Here, you will find your:
☄︎X Readers
☄︎Occasional Scenarios
Things to know:
☫No smut/lemons here, move along (Nothing wrong with you if you enjoy them, though!).
☫I try to keep "A/Ns" to a minimum.
I love requests, so I'm going to keep this open 24/7, so don't be shy! I can't promise I'll get to all of them, but if you've got a good character to be shipped with or an inspiring plot line, then no doubt I'll follow it through!
I hope you all request here at least once with more of what you'd like to see from me, and thank you so much for supporting me throughout this book with your votes and kind comments <3
Requests are most likely going to be a tad bit shorter and the plot will drive forward a little faster, but I'll do my best nonetheless!
(Also, I ordered the Blue Paladin hoodie recently, would anyone like a review when it arrives? :0)
Thanks for reading and have a fabulous day!
-Juni out!
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