Chocolate Love: Act III

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Act III (England X Reader)

                A/N: Man, I love this idea~ I just couldn’t help myself. After all I was eating this delicious candy like a couple of days ago and bam! IDEA! XD Plus who wouldn’t have this as a real date, right? Anyways, please do enjoy your chocolate love~ and don’t be afraid to comment and/or fav!!

                THANK YOU!! ^w^


You felt his grip tighten as the both of you walked down the hall as quietly as you could. After all it was after the school’s curfew and if both of you gotten caught who knows what kind of punishment you would get. But finally after a few giggles and steps here and there you made it to his dorm since it was closer than yours. He gave your hand another squeeze before grabbing his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door and opened it for you. You smiled your thanks and walked in with slightly widened eyes. After all his room was different, not the bad kind, more the you want to touch and explore everything kind. But you composed yourself.

“Sorry for the mess,” He walked in after you and shrugged off his jacket and threw it across his bed.

“Mess!?” You looked around there was maybe a few clothes here and there but it was literally spotless in here. “What mess? My room looks like a wreck compared to yours…”

“I doubt it,” He laughed and walked over to his mini kitchen. “Would you like anything to drink?”

“Mm,” You pondered as you sat down on his bed only to nod up and down. “Yeah, water will be fine, thanks…”

He smiled and nodded picking out two glasses from one of the cupboards and filled them with ice and water. He slowly made his way back to you and handed it to you with another smile. You smiled your own thanks as he sat down next to you on the bed causing it to dip slightly.

“So,” He ruffled his hair with a shy smile after setting his cup down on the bedside table. “I had a lovely time tonight with you, [f/n]…”

“Me to,” You blushed and looked down at your glass in your clasped hands. Now that you thought about it, you did have a great time. The food was really good, the conversation at first was awkward but as the night went on you got more comfortable with him and your shell disappeared to mere nothing. Not to mention, how the dinner ended. He was so kind to pay for your part of the meal and you still felt giddy about how close you two have gotten especially when you were holding hands. You couldn’t think this night could get any better. That’s when you remembered, Lulu’s pocky idea. Maybe you should try it…

“What!?” You shook your head. “I couldn’t do that…but maybe I can do something else…”

“[f/n]?” You heard his voice drip with some concern. “Are you alright, love?”

“O-Oh! Yeah…” You waved your hand about. “I was just thinking…”

“Alright,” He chuckled and leaned back onto his hands with a smile. You took the chance and slowly looked into your purse with a small smile and brought out the candy. You saw his gaze flicker over and down to your hands causing his eyebrows to shot up with curiosity.

“You know since we weren’t able to get a dessert at dinner, would you want some pocky instead?” You shook the box a bit with a small smile and slightly redden cheeks.

“…” He blinked a few times before smiling and gently took the box from your grasp. He slowly opened it up and sat indian style on top of the bed as he took out one piece and gave it to you. You happily take it and take a small nibble of it before you slowly scooted back against the wall. After all his bed was next to the wall allowing you to lean back against it for back support, soon enough Arthur was next to you eating his own piece.

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