"..my heart skips a beat"

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Last night was amazing. I hope I get to see her again. What if we end up together? I mean I would have to tell everyone I like girls. Am I really ready for that? But her lips felt so good. It's worth it. She's worth it. So many thoughts...anyway I smell pancakes. I go into the kitchen and Brendon is making pancakes with Sarah. "Hey guys, good morning."
"Wow someone is in a good mood I see" Sarah says. I swear she reads me so well she always knows if something is wrong, or good in this case. "Uh yeah just slept well for once." I laugh. "Ahh I see. Well have some breakfast, we didn't make all this food for nothing, eat up."
The pancakes were amazing by the way. "Brendon you made these? Are you sure?" I say. "Haha very funny Luna, i can cook ya know, i just normally don't." He says.
After breakfast I go back into my room to get ready. I plan on going out so I decide to look half decent.
"Luna our new bassist is coming over later today." Brendon says. "Oh ok what time?" I ask. "Later, like around dinner." He replies.
"Ok. I'm going out for a while I'll be back." I say. Brendon doesn't really care if I go out, as long as he knows. I want to go see a movie. Movie doesn't start for a bit so I walk around town. All I can think about is this girl. It was so cool, she won't leave my head damn it. I try to settle my thoughts then realize it's almost time for my movie and I'm kinda far from the theater because I'm walking. I pick up my pace, don't wanna be late. I'm looking at my phone checking the time again when I bump into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry..." I try saying before I realize it's the girl from last night. She looks at me and picks up my phone that I dropped. "Hey babe, what are you doing here? You look beautiful" She says. Damn she's gorgeous. I blush and look down. "I'm going to see a movie in a few minutes, do you wanna join?" I say very nervously. "Yeah, hmm how much tome do we have before the movie?" She asks. "5 minuets?" I say. Kinda confused... but excited. She immediately pushes me around the corner and onto the wall. She holds my hands above my head and puts her lips on mine. Only she's not fully kissing me, she teasing me. She gently puts a lip on my then pulls away and looks into my eyes. She traces my lips with her tongue. I can feel our breathing getting heavier. I want her. She slips her tongue into my mouth and finally starts kissing hard. I try to fight for dominance, just to see what she does. "Oh no baby, I'm in control for right now." She says in a low voice. She's so hot. She continues kissing and I give in and let her have her way. It gets more heated, then she pulls away. "Baby we gotta go see that movie." She says and takes my hand. We go into the movie and the whole time there was sexual tension. Every so often she would slide her hand down my thigh while looking at me with a smile. She kept touching me all throughout the movie. I couldn't even focus on the movie, how can you when you have someone like her touching you.
It ends and we go out. I look at my phone and Brendon tells me to come back home to get ready for dinner. We say goodbye and she gives me her number this time. Best "movie" ever by the way.
I get home and I am so happy brendon is looking at me weird.
"What were you doing, getting high or something, your acting to happy." He says with a laugh. "Haha, no just saw a movie... just in a good mood a guess." Really good mood.
"Hmm ok sure" he says. "She should be here any minute so be nice Luna."
"Yeah yeah, I'm always nice. Like the nicest person ever." I saw sarcastically. "Sure." Brendon says. I hear a knock on the door and Brendon goes to get it. She walks in and my heart skips a beat. Damn it.

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