C h a p t e r S i x

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S a t u r d a y 7 t h S e p t e m b e r

"Here you are, ma'am," I smile as I hand the elderly woman the brown paper bag with her coconut and vanilla foot scrub and bath bombs.

"Thank you, darling," she says as she hands me the money and slowly walks over to the door, where she paused and dropped a couple of coins into the tip jar, that we always leave on the wall.

A minute or so later, a petite figure came through the door, wearing a pretty summer dress, with pastel pumps. She had no pockets and carried no bag, so I questioned myself why she'd come. "Good morning," I called over.

"Good morning," she returned the greeting and came over. "I'm Celia Sharp, I believe my husband's made an appointment for me for my birthday."

"Oh yes of course!" Now I noticed the similarities between her and those children. "He booked you in for a full body massage and afterwards a manicure; follow me please."

I led her to the massage room in the back corner, where mum had spent the morning setting up everything for this appointment. "Mum, Miss. Sharp has turned up!" I told her as I held the door for the customer.

"Oh! Hello! Have a seat," mum smiled from the cupboard where she was collecting more towels. The customer did and so I gave her a smoothie menu.

"Would you like to pick a drink? I highly recommend the immune boosting tropical one, the green detox one, and the berry antioxidant boost."

"Can I have the tropical one please?" she requested; I nodded.

"Would you like it with water, milk or yogurt?"

"Milk please." I went back out to the kitchen. There, I cut up the mango, pineapple and kiwi and chucked them in the blender with the other ingredients and ice then pressed 'start'. Next I poured in the milk and after blending again, poured it into a talk glass. I slipped a slice of kiwi on the edge next to a long bendy straw and cut a cube of pineapple and another of mango then poked the stick of one of those mini cocktail umbrellas through both and dropped it in. I carried it through on a silver tray and the lady thanked me as I disappeared into the shop.

Just then, a group of four girls walked through the door, chatting. One was rather chubby with an unflattering pink dress clinging to her, one was short with a simple top and shorts, one was thin with a pretty flowery dress and the last one-who was leading the group-was trouble. She was the miniature version of a typical popular girl, wearing a mini skirt and revealing crop top. Is this what parenting has come to? I knew her. She was in year one when I was year six, and she walked around as if she owned the place. She's a mini slut in training. But in her class, there were no other mean girls, so she hung out with people that made her look better.

"Hey, you," she sassed to me, strutting over and folding her arms across her chest and standing with her fake-tan caked legs apart and her weight on one side. You're gonna give us all a makeover. Now." A few thoughts floated through my mind. Most involved a dark basement with no food, no water, nothing.

"Erm... Excuse me Chloe, but we don't do makeovers here," I replied, meeting her hazel eyes and trying to remain civil.

"Well, change it. This is a beauty parlour after all."

I swear, it took everything in me to not slap the little brat round the ear. "I'm sorry but I cannot just quote 'change it' unquote as you say, just because you say so."

"Why not? You do realise I am paying you." I folded my arms and stood firmly. Eventually she got the message. "Fine, what do you do then?"

"Well, manicures, pedicures and massages-but you can't-"

"Four manicures then," she ordered.

"If you-"


I sighed heavily. "Chloe, listen. Had you let me finish earlier I would have told you that a-you have to book in advance and b-we're currently booked for today and therefore I cannot serve you on hand and foot. So sorry for the inconvenience."

"So you're useless?" she points over to the manicure station, surrounded by full-length panes of glass (which we got in so people can see the manicures and pedicures) that was empty. "Look!" she whined "if no one else is in there, it's our turn." She grabbed the wrist of the tall blonde and marched over to the glass door. Then an elderly couple walked in and took a seat.

"Okay," I began, stepping between Chloe and the glass. "I tried being nice and it clearly didn't work. So. I am really appalled at your attitude. The world-including this shop-does not revolve around you and your needs or wants. I am not in charge of this place, so if you really have a problem, talk to my mum, but the reason I cannot serve you today is because a lady has got an appointment for a manicure and also I have to keep an eye on the actual shop and cafe, so as much as I don't want to, if you cannot accept that I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"You cannot do that to me!" she claimed. Watch me you little bitch, I thought.

"I work here, and it is perfectly reasonable to ask a customer to leave if they're acting like you. Please leave." I half-escorted half-shoved them out and smoothed down my apron, then went over to serve the couple. "Good afternoon."

"Hello, dear."

"Sorry for making you wait so long," I apologised.

"No problem, that girl clearly needed a sorting-out. Now, I'd like the avocado toast please."


"Argh!" I screamed to my empty room from frustration. I was sat at my desk in the lamplight desperately trying to do my Physics homework that bloody Mr. Quantum had set, despite it being the first week back. Usually it would've been easy-five minutes tops-but tonight all I could think about was how the fucking bitch (also known as Jadyn) had found my hideout. On Friday they'd blocked off the door to the library for me, so I'd gone back to my old spot on the field, but-naturally-they followed me. I groaned. If it was slightly earlier I'd go for another run. Reluctantly, I gave up on the homework and went to the bathroom to have a relaxing bath. I added a drop of jasmine and ylang ylang oil to the bottom of the bath before letting the hot water run. Then I poured in some bubble bath and left it to fill the tub. I slipped downstairs and snuck out a seaweed face mask, which I planned to use later.

Returning to the bathroom, I let the smells engulf me as I slipped off my clothes and into the water. I wasn't bothered to get a book. I just wanted to rest; I laid back and shut my eyes.


Finally. But Jadyn... Urgh! She can always ruin my day even if I don't see her. But what can I do?

If only there was somewhere that the girls wouldn't dare go! Well, there is one place... Oh please... Oh but Jadyn!

You know, I'm almost tempted to go embarrass myself by going to play football with the boys just to escape Jadyn's grasp.




I think we can all guess what that means...

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