Part 44 - So fine

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Apollo Arthur Hamilton

I woke up early that day then went straight into the gym in the hotel where there was only me inside of the gym cause it was so early in the morning.

It was too early where i could see the sky was still so dark, the glass wall around the hotel room revealed a beautiful view from the city complete with the cold breeze that blown that tingling on my skin.

A pair of earphones were plugged into my ears while i was running on the treadmill, my eyes were sticked into the view from the glass wall in front of me while my legs were running on it.

My body was there but my mind was on her, i hadn't met her almost a week because she made me wait until the day where we actually going to meet at the aisle. Well she was actually amazing, she always did something that made me falling all over back to her. Every action that she did, even it naturally came out of nowhere from her she always amazes me. She had a lot of surprise, and I couldn't wait to through a lot more surprises with her in my life.

My lips curled into a smile when my head suddenly played my memories with her, started from the first time we met. Until a few days ago where she bought some lingeries with my credit card, ugh such a teaser. But i liked her that way, i would never got bored of her.

I printed a lot of pictures of us then wrote the memories that i had with her on every pictures that i printed, i asked Laura to give me her heels before they put it inside of her closet so i could write something on her shoes. I was thankful that Laura was so kind and she understood, she didn't even ask me why she was just being so kind and helpful. I was so excited to know her reaction when she opened it, i wished it could make her morning.

I was done working out and i was making my way back to my hotel room, we booked half of the hotel room for our families and friends cause there were so many of them coming from across the country. They were so excited to know that the girl that was going to be my wife was Lana, cause they pretty knew her well.

I took a shower then checked on my phone to see it was finally 8 in the morning, but Lana hadn't text me and i thought she wasn't awake yet so i decided to call her that morning. I tapped on the screen then after a few rings she finally picked up,

"Hello?" Her sweet angelic voice greet me,

"Hey morning" i said to her.

"Hey" she said.

"This is our day, how are you feeling?" I asked her as i made my way to the balcony inside of my room to see the morning traffic.

"Excited" she said and i could tell from her voice that she was happy.

"Where are you?" She asked me.

"In my family's hotel with the whole family member" i said.

"Me too" she said with a low voice and i knew she was probably still closing her eyes.

"I have something for you" i said.

"What?" She asked.

"Check your closet" i said, i could hear she was started to move from wherever she was then began to walk.

"Then check out there was box of shoes, open it" i said.

"I'll open it after i hung up to this phone" she said.

"Okay it's all up to you" i smiled.

"Gotta go for a breakfast" i said.

"See you at 4 baby" i said before hung up the phone.

"See you byee" she said then the phone call ended.

I put my phone back into my black jeans pocket before making my way to the third floor for breakfast, i knew my parents were already there cause they were never late. Yes they were the one who teach me to be on time, so everyone knew me as the super on time guy it was all because of them and I promised myself to teach my kids to be on time too cause it's very important.

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