Anon asked

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Anon: I don't know your sexuality or your knowledge on this so you may not be able to help with this...but do you have any advice on coming out???

S: Alright, I'm straight but I have a few friends who are LGBTQ+ and so they helped me out with this one.

It's hard to come out, it's a big thing and people try to make it seem like a small easy thing but it's not, it's a big thing and a game changer and sometimes it can change how some people view you. The best thing to do is surround yourself with people who will love you unconditionally. You don't have to tell your parents first if you're uncomfortable with it. Tell a friend or a sibling that you trust. And you shouldn't feel like you have to come out when you don't want to, it should be something you do on your own time. If people don't accept you for who you are, then what role do they have in your life? Do you honestly, truly need them? Don't be someone you don't want to, and do things on your on time. Tell someone you trust first and if that's not your parents, it's okay.

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