The silent black and white moving pictures on the screen flashed before their eyes. Margret watched amused at the famous actor Charlie Chaplin, her head was against Alfie's shoulder who's arm was around her.Margaret glanced behind her at the back seats in the cinema and blushed at the sight of a young couple about her age, kissing very passionately. The boys hand was on his lady's waist pulling her closer and Margaret immediately looked away.
Alfie's eyes moved to his dove and from his view, he could see her pale cheeks pink and her lips were pursed as if she was thinking very deeply, she wasn't even paying attention to the picture-show.
Curious to find out what made her blush,cause it was certainly not because of the movie, he too, looked behind him. He saw the same couple snogging and sucking each other's face off. He smirked at the sight and casually looked down at Margaret.
"You alright dove?" He asked and she perked up from her trance like state and looked up at Alfie with a reassuring smile.
"Yeah. I'm alright." She murmured and gave him a bright smile, her leg crossed over the other and she snuggled closer to him. Alfie's brow raised knowingly, he knew exactly why she was like this, he kept quiet about it though cause she was being real cute.
Margaret was in her thoughts once again. Seeing the couple behind them made her want to kiss him. They haven't kissed yet on the lips and she so badly wanted to ,but she didn't want to seem desperate.
After the pictures,she sat silently in the passenger seat of his car as he drove. She was trying to think of ways to get him to kiss her. She could be forward about it and be seductive to provoke him to kiss her, then again...
Her fingers began to fiddle with each other and Alfie noticed. What was going on with her? She was on edge. He grunted, the sound causing Margaret to jump, and he pulled over.
She frowned and her head turned to Alfie.
"Alfie, why did y-
He pressed his lips against hers and he cherished the softness of it. Margaret's eyes closed at the warm feeling and felt her body succumb to him, his lips moved to deepen the kiss then he pulled away.
Margaret's eyes go wide and her hand came to his face. A loud clean smack sounding in the air. She gasped at what she did, her hand coming up to cover her mouth not knowing what took over her and Alfie's brows were furrowed and his lips pursed, the stinging pain in his cheek had him confused.
"What'd you do that for?" He groaned at the pain, his hand coming up to touch his cheek.
"You kissed me?!" She exclaimed her eyes wide, and Alfie couldn't tell if he was supposed to answer it or not but he did.
"Yeah, I did. I thought you would've liked it."
"You didn't ask!" She blurted out, she was flabbergasted.
"Did you not like it dove?" He chuckled at her flustered face.
"I might've if you would've asked." She murmured looking away, she was playing coy and he liked it.
They sat in silence. Margaret looked down at her hands and bit the inside of her cheek trying to contain and hide the smirk forming on her face.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly.
Margaret's eyes moved up to look at him. His eyes soft and although his lips were behind his thick dark beard, she could still see the small gentle smile beneath it.
She inched closer to Alfie and looked deeply into his eyes before timidly nodding. How could she say no?
Alfie kissed her again, this time, with full passion. Margaret melted into his kiss and her hand moved to cup his face caressing his bearded cheek, and his went to her waist pulling her closer.
Alfie had wanted to do this ever since their first date. He didn't do it before because he was being a gentleman, but that created the build up of tension that ended with a blissful climax. The taste of her lips were addicting, the warmth and softness of it would have made him changed all his priorities. With Margaret coming first before anything else.
He gently tugged the bottom of her lip with his teeth which elicited a soft sweet moan from her, that was enough to cause Alfie's cock to go hard. Margaret could taste a hint of whiskey in their kiss and she was feeling all hot and heavy. His other hand moved to caress her soft hair and to deepen the kiss. Then he rested her forehead against hers as they broke away, trying to catch their breath.
A smile was on Margaret's face and his thumb caressed her cheek lovingly.
The pitter patter of tiny rain drops reverberated on the cars roof and Alfie just wanted to stay in this moment forever, cause with her, he felt like a different man. He wasn't the burdened and hardened gangster the war made him to be, but he was just a man who kissed his pretty lady after a date in the picture house.
She gave him a smirk that sent shivers of excitement down his spine. The look on her face was seductive and she placed one more soft but chaste kiss on his lips before leaning back into the car seat.
"It's getting late 'innit." He blurted glancing at his pocket watch and she hummed whilst chuckling to herself.
They were both flustered.
He started the car but then noticed that he was almost out of gasoline. Ada Shelby's house was further downtown and his car wouldn't be able to make it. He cursed silently to himself as he began to drive to his house. He'd fill up the car with fuel there, and then take her home.
Alfie felt as if there was something hidden behind her pleasing and angelic exterior.The tempting smile she had given him was bewitching .
Margaret watched the scenery that passed as he drove, not realising they were not going back downtown to Ada's. The sky was filled with indigo and violet wisps and the rain shimmered like tiny little diamond crystals falling from the heavens.
There was an aching heat in her core that made her feel stuffy, the same feeling she had experienced with her first love years ago. But with Alfie it was different...the night was still young and she had no idea what it had in store for her.
"Is this yours?" Margaret asked as he helped her out of his car.
"Yeah, love."
A huge stately brick home stood majestically in front of her. The lights were lit from top to bottom and they all shined out from the many windows. The fences were stretched out far showing off the land he owned. It was almost castle like.
"It's all mine." He said his cane pointing to his whole lot of land.
"Oh Alfie, it's beautiful." She gaped at the home.
"I wouldn't have had enough fuel to take you home to Ada's house so I hope you don't mind..."
"It's quite alright, Alfie."
He opened the double wooden door and when she had entered, it revealed a very lavish and well decorated home. Alfie helped her with her coat before removing his, and hanging it on the rack.
"Mr. Solomon's."
An older woman stepped out from an archway in a black maid uniform. Her hair was a fading light brown color with the grey hairs on the roots before a gradient of brown. Margaret's eyes squinted at her. It can't be.
"Darlene?"Margaret asked and the woman's grey eyes sparkled.
"Yes miss?" She asked, and her eyes looked the young woman up and down.
"It's me, Margaret." Margaret said walking close to the woman. "Margaret Blackwell."
Alfie's ears perked up at the name and he stared at her, concealing his surprise.
Darlene's eyes widened at the sight of her. The memory of the little girl she once knew and cared for, but in that girl's place was now a woman with the same dark hair and the same pretty smile.
"Oh! Little Maggie." Darlene gasped as she embraced the girl and Alfie watched the two, confused.
"You know Margaret?" Alfie asked taking off his blazer leaving him in his vest and dress shirt.
"Know her? I was her nanny!" Darlene exclaimed embracing the girl.
"I've missed you Darlene." Margaret gushed and Darlene caressed the girls face. She had grown to become such a beauty, her mother would've been proud.
"Darlene, why don't you go light the fire in the guest bedroom." Alfie instructed and Darlene's posture straightened up before nodding at him and leaving to do what she was told.
"The guest bedroom?" Margaret asked looking at Alfie who nodded as if it was obvious what that meant. She had no idea she was staying overnight. She thought Alfie was gonna refuel and then take her home. He's going to hear it from Tommy.
"Oh? Would you rather be sleeping in my bed love?" Alfie implored and Margaret pursed her lips in the cute way she does. "Darlene!" He shouted.
"Alfie!" She laughed as her hand covered his mouth, muffling whatever it was he was going to say to Darlene.
His hand took her hand, the one over his mouth and he led her to the living room.