I think...I'm Falling for...

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AUTHORS NOTE: I did change the last chapter a bit just the ending to Evans P.O.V So please go back and re-read that or it won't make sense. The rest is the same just Evan's P.O.V okay? Okay let's get back to the story.

Bellanie's P.O.V:

I don't know what the heck Ian wants but I need to find Evan.

Me and and Micheal entered Ians office to see him with his head between his hands. His hair was a disaster like he had run his hands through his hair a million times.

Still looked hot though.

I know I supposedly belong to Micheal well... I don't belong to anyone but myself I'm just giving Micheal a chance but anyway dang Ian is a hottie.

Ian's head shot up as soon as the door closed.

"Can you go after her" Ian said desperately.

"I was going to until you interrupted me! Jeez" I said.

"Then lets go" Ian said kind of annoyed buy jumping up and heading to the door.

"Ian I want you to check my apartment, Micheal if you guys don't find her there, there's a house in Cali that you should to check out" I said writing down Mr. Pierce's address. I heard Ian growl probably cause I ordered him but I don't care.

"What about you" Micheal asked.

"I'm going after her" I said "Real quick I need to borrow your computer"

"Why" Ian said raising his eyebrow.

"It's been a while since I changed into a bird I need a refresher" I said annoyed.

"What does my computer have to do with you changing into a bird? If you know where she's going then lets go" Ian said raising his voice slightly.

"For your information jerk I don't know for sure where she's going that's why we're splitting up and if I can see her from the skies that would be so much easier cause then we wouldn't have to go clear to California! Plus there's more to changing than you think so stop arguing and let me barrow your dang computer!" I too was raising my voice.

Ian growled but complied.

I slide the laptop towards me and started typing.

"Isn't changing easy just think of an animal say the spell and go" Ian asked annoyed.

"No I have to think of every stupid detail the blood system, digestive system, nervous system, bone structure, everything if I want it to work properly" I explained.

"What happens if you don't think all that"

I paused for a moment "I die" and shrugged.

Micheal put his hand on mine stopping me from looking at pictures "I won't let you risk your life" He said sternly.

I started laughing "jeez I was kidding I won't die I just don't get the same abilities as the animal I'm turning into"

"Oh is that why you couldn't smell us when you turned into a tiger" Micheal asked.

"Yea I'm not the smartest person which is why I don't shift all that often I can never get it right" I grumbled.

I stopped after I got a good look at the pictures. I studied how to turn into a hawk a few years ago so it didn't take long I just needed a refresher.

I took a breath thinking long and hard about the animal and my body morphing and changing. Saying a few simple words I felt feathers grow, my body shrinking, a beak growing not the most comfortable morph but good none the less.

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