Beep beep beep
I woke up from my deep sleep, ugh it was time for school the worst part of being a 17 year old. I turned my alarm off and jumped into the shower to quickly wash my hair. I changed into white skinny jeans a burgundy off the shoulder jumper and my black boots. I applied my usual make up which was foundation, powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner and my baby lips chapstick. I brushed my hair into a ponytail and rushed downstairs to grab some breakfast. It was now 8:00am and I was ready to leave, I walked out of the door and saw my friend Georgia waiting in car for me.
" hey hun" she said. " hey, I really can't be asked for today" I grumped. " I don't think anyone can but have you heard that Mrs Bevan has left so we got a new science teacher this year?" She replied. " No I didn't hear but I hope this teacher is much better than Mrs Bevan she was a right fucker" I said. As we entered the school gates and Georgia parked her car. It was now 8:15am, we walked into the halls which were full of students and as always on our first day back we had assembly which is the most boring hour of the day.
Everyone piled in to the hall, me and Georgia met our other friends Jess, Chloe, Max, Siva, Tom and Jay. We all sat in our seats and waited for Mr Dafydd to speak.
"Good morning my last year of sixth form I hope you're excited for the hard work coming your way" he boomed. Pfft excited more like devastated. " As most of you know Mrs Bevan has left and we've got a new teacher named Mr Sykes to teach you English level 3". As he finished that sentence I noticed a young man in his twenties I think head up to the stage and oh my god he's really really attractive. He has light brown hair neatly quiffed, lush green eyes, just everything about him was perfect. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mr Sykes spoke.
" Hello year 13 I'm Mr Sykes your new Science teacher as Mr Dafydd has already said, I'm hoping that you all can accept me into the teaching industry and give me respect as you do the other teachers and hopefully it will be a great year." He said.
As we left the hall I noticed I had triple science first, then music and then drama. As I entered the classroom I noticed it was only me and Mr Sykes in the class. " Name please" He asked. " ummm Cerys" I said dazed into his eyes. " ahh Cerys well you'll be sitting in the front by me, I've heard that your quiet mischievous in this class so I'm going to be keeping an eye on you" he said. " that's fine" I spoke again. After a few minutes students started filling up the classroom including Georgia I wondered where she'd gotten too. As Mr Sykes started teaching about atoms I think I wasn't paying much attention I started messing around. I chucked a pencil at Mr Sykes. " Right who done that" he said with an angry tone. I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer. " Right Cerys you have detention after school with me got it no more disruptions" and with that he turned back to the bored. Detention with Mr Sykes now there's something I can't wait for.

Me and Mr Sykes
FanfictionWhat happens when Mr Sykes attends Whittmore high, as a science teacher, and falls for one of his students. Will there secret affair be exposed and will they be stopped to save eachothers lives?