Hey guys! Okayyyy so this is my new story! Hopefully this one actually works.. maybe.. anyways, read on!
Esme's POV:
"Esme! Wake ya ass up!" Rain's voice booms into my ear. Well isn't this a way to wake up? Note the sarcasm. "What?! Didn't you see me, I don't know...SLEEPING?!" I yell, we both burst out laughing.
"Okay seriously, Alice spotted about 2 rouges going across this unclaimed territory about 15 minutes ago, so let's move sleeping beauty!" She says and I mock salute her. "ma'am yes ma'am!" I say and we both start laughing a we clean up and mask our scents.
Yes, we are werewolves if you haven't figured that out yet. Plus, we are rouges. Which basically means, werewolves that were either banished, or left their pack. We can be very dangerous, plus we 'disgust' other packs and we are a 'disgrace' if we were banished or left. But who cares?
I have been rouge for almost 7months. Alice for a year, and Rain for 11months. Alice is like our 'Alpha' or head of our mini rouge pack. She keeps us all inline. "I'm hungry..." Rain wines. "We should hunt and then share it with Alice, she should be here when we get back right?" I ask Rain. She nods and we peel off our clothes and shift. I'm a Rare white wolf with a blue lightening bolt that sometimes glows, it's in my right shoulder on my human body as a tattoo. I think Alice knows what it means but won't tell me.
Rain is a reddish brown wolf, very pretty if I may say. But she is way smaller than me. Well me having Alpha blood in me. As well as Alice.
*i smell about three dear up by the meadow Esme, wanna head over there?* Rain asks through our link.
*yeah!* I say back to her and her wolf attempts to giggle, but miserably failed. which causes me too fall onto my back and laugh.
*yeah yeah! Shut up Es!* she says getting annoyed, she HATES being teased, mocked, or laughed at, I find it amusing.
We take off in the direction of the dear. I can smell their scent now. *look Esme, their over there* she says through mind link,pointing to some trees a little ways across the meadow.
*yeah, we both going the same way over?* I ask her. *no, you take left I take right.* she tells me and that's what I do. we obviously can't go through the meadow because that would be like a giant walking through town. Very noticeable.
So we head separate ways around the perimeter to our breakfast. Yum... Rain gets there before me a lures one deer away and kills it. I do the same, and she gets the last one.
*Esme,Rain, where are you guys?* Alice asks. *North Meadow, we got you breakfast* I tell her.
*be there in 5* is the last thing Alice says before we return to our meal.
About 3 minutes later, Alice jumps out of the woods and into the meadow. She turns back into a human and puts her clothes on and joins us. "oh my god this is so good!" she exclaims taking a bite. After a while, we all finish and go to lake near by to wash what clothes we have.
"So are we traveling at all anytime soon?" I ask Alice, "Well we are gonna stay here in this territory for a little while longer, maybe leave around noon." she says. I nod my head and agree as does Rain. We finish our laundry and I change my clothes. I am currently wearing a gray 'three days grace' t-shirt and Jean shorts with converse.
"Okay let's head back to camp." Alice says to us and we nod and walk back. "Oh Alice, what happened to those rouges? I ask her.
"One girl and her baby sister. She was about 16 and her sister was 14. I told them they could travel with us for a bit so they are waiting on the border for us."(Currently 11:23am) When we got there, I looked at the two, there was a medium sized wolf with sand colored fur, and a small wolf with gray-sandish fur. Little kids can shift? I guess an early shifter.
"I'm Sapphire." the older girl says as she changes into human and puts on a sundress with flip flops. She is very pretty with brown wavy locked running down her back. Also illuminating green eyes.
The little wolf transforms into a beautiful little girl with braided dirty blonde hair. She puts on a pink romper with black converse. "I'm Farah" she says sheepishly.
"welcome to our little pack, which one were you recently apart of?" Alice asks Sapphire. "The Ice Water pack" she says. "why did you leave?" rain asks the girls.
The little one stirs a bit before speaking. "Our father was abusive and our mother died and our pack didn't like us.." she says. I quickly apologize along with Rain and Alice. We all hug and welcome them.
"well lady's, you came at the time where we leave. So, let's go!" Alice says. " we can travel in wolf form then human later." she says and we all nod our heads.
I get out of my clothes behind a tree and put them into my Bob Marley sling bag and shift.
I look at myself one more time before shrinking down and turning Snow White. I grab my sling bag and put it in my mouth and meet up with the others.
*okay lady's, ready?" Alice asks and we all nod. "okay the Canadian border is that way, so we are gonna go south." We all agree and start moving.
*so Farah, do you know how to fight?* I ask her through our link. *y-yeah, I trained with Sapph for years in human for then in wolf form when I shifted early last year.* she says
*cool!* I say. * so what pack did you come from? How long have you been rouge?* she asks.
*for one year and 2 months. And for the p-pack... id rather n-not talk a-about it please?* I say and she nods.
I wasn't ready to talk about my past.. not yet anyways. Probably not for a while.

Gone (On Hold)
Teen FictionMeet Esmerelda London (Esme) she is 17 years old and ran away on her 16th birthday. Ever since then, she has been a rouge along with her new best friends, Alice, Rain, Sapphire and Farah. She didn't run away for no reason, she ran away because of t...