Time chapter 19

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~1 month later~

'Hey journal me again, yea yea I know I've been writing in you for a month because of the events. But now the babies could pop out at any moment at anytime and any day. He said he'd be here but instead betrayed us, betrayed our family, betrayed me.... What a douche bag! He only thought about himself! That motherfucker! Anyways, if ever he comes to apologize maybe not but if he does I'm not sure if I could trust him again because of what he did to us! These babies probably won't have a father period! It was so selfish of him to do what he did! Trying to take over the fucking world! Sure he wanted us to come but I wasn't gonna let my friends get hurt because of him! He can go fucking himself for all I care! Oh wait! He already does! Anywho, thanks for letting me vent, technically your not alive but I had to do something. Your friend Tam'

~Tord's POV~

I-Its been a month. 1 fucking month.... I can't forgive myself for almost killing my family! What kind of father am I!? What kind of boyfriend was I.....? Why did I do that!? Oh yea! I WANTED POWER! I WANTED EVERYTHING! BUT INSTEAD LOST EVERYTHING! I slammed my head on the desk, ignoring the pain, I have an eye patch on with a robot arm. I have scars! I won't be able to see my kids being born like I wanted! There was a knock on the door. I groaned "come in..." Kaiden walked in...

"Um sir... I'm suppose to be tamara's body guard.... And you've been avoiding my question... Please tell me.... Where is Tamara? Where is Tim? Where are they?! I'm suppose to be protecting them!"

He raised his voice at me. Normally i would be mad but considering what I did I didn't get mad. I told him what happened

"Boss.... Please forgive me for saying this.... Your a fucking moron. No offense"

"None taking... I deserve it because I am one"

"Boss would it be ok if I find tamara and protect her and yalls kids. I don't want them harm and you know you don't want them harm so can I?"

"Sure. Make sure nothing bad happens. Text me if something does. Send pictures of the twins for me please"

Kaiden saluted "sir yes sir"

I dismissed him and he went to pack. I'll apologize when I know I can...

~3rd POV~

tam went to bed with Tim. He snuggled up against him because he felt protected when he is closed to his momma. Tam held him close and fell asleep as well as Tim.

About an hour later there was a knock. Tim was still asleep. Tam got up and went to the front door. She opened it. And there he was. Kaiden. "Oh hey... What do you want?"

Kaiden cleared his throat "Um boss told me what happened... I'm sorry... Now I'm your bodyguard. I was actually supposed to be yalls bodyguard when I got done training. And I am so here I am"

"Oh thank you.." She let him in and he sat on the couch.

Tim woke up and went to kaiden "uncle kaiden? ARE YOU HERE TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH ME!?" Tim was excited. Normally at the base when kaiden would get done training he would play video games with Tim. Tam allowed Tim to call him uncle because kaiden grew to be like a brother to her.

"Of course little man!"

Tim squealed excitedly and put in a new game "momma got a new game" He handed him a console and they started playing

Tam smiled and went into the kitchen and started cooking

~1 week later~

Tam sat down. She was breathing in and out. Her water broke. She's in labor. Kaiden went over to her "TamTam are you ok?"

She shook her head "i-its time. We gotta go now!"

Kaiden nodded and lead her to the car. It was a Saturday. Tim followed and got into the car with them. Tam texted the other and then they went to the hospital. Kaiden helped her inside while Tim followed. The doctors got her into a room and she sat on the bed breathing in and out

"Ma'am change into this" They handed her a hospital gown and she went into the bathroom and got it on then went back to the hospital bed and laid down. They put the ivy in her and they checked "alright its time miss"

~1 hour later~

Tam had the twins. She was asleep. The twins were asleep in their smiled little crips. They were wrapped up like burritos. Kaiden had taken a picture of tam and the twins when she was holding them. He sent the picture to tord.

Back at the base tord checked his phone "OH MY IRENE! THEY'RE OH WOW! THEY'RE SO PRECIOUS! I messed up so badly I feel so bad. I FUCKED UP!" Tord slammed his face on his desk "fuck!" Tord sobbed

Tam woke up and picked up the twins "my these two are precious!"

Tim nodded "me too?"

"Of course! My precious children! I love all of you" Tam carefully handed Jane to Tim. Tim held Jane carefully

"Hi baby Jane. I'm going to protect you and baby Juno. Daddy won't hurt you on my watch" He kissed her forehead. Jane yawned and cooed. Tim smiled "awww"

Kaiden smiled "aww precious babies and kid tamara. You are a wonderful mom"

Tam giggled "thanks kaiden. Would you like to be the godfather?"

"It would be my pleasure" Kaiden chuckled

~a few days later~

Tam were finally home. She was laying on the couch with Juno on her chest and Jane on her arm. There was a knock on the door. Kaiden answered the door

"Oh hello sir"

It was none other then tord. He waved

"Um tam someone is here for you"

Tam yawned "let them in"

Kaiden motioned Tord to come in. Tord went to the other side of the couch "Uh hey tam...."

Cliffhanger suckers oh and the twins have tord's last name because Tim has it))

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