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Today is our anniversary and I've got it all planned, but right now I'm doing work and Max is at his job. Then there was a knock at my door.

"Come" the door opens and I see Mason "what do you want?"

"I came to tell you that all the things are ready for you tonight," Mason says.

"So the restaurant has my table ready and waiting for us tonight?"

"Yep," Mason says.

"And my boat is ready as well?"

"It's all set man, and can I ask you something as a friend and not as a partner?" Mason says.

You heard him right, we are friends and we always are, we've been friends since diapers and yes he is my partner in the Mafia business.

"We haven't had one of those in a long time," I think for a second "actually the last time we had a friend talk was when you told me you were going to marry your lover, how is that going anyway?" I ask.

"Well since you asked, we're doing great, o and we're expecting our third child to be born soon," Mason says.

"O so I'll be an uncle again, boy or girl?"

"He won't tell me, he wants it to be a surprise, but since we're doing that I get to name the baby" he chuckles "o we're getting off topic on what I came here for"

"And that is what exactly?"

"There have been rumors going around and the boys think your planning on asking Max to marry you tonight," Mason says.

"Who started that rumor?"

"I don't know, but there's also bets going around that Max will yes or no and I've already betted that he'll say yes, so are you?" Mason asks.

I open my desk drawer and pull out my box and show it to him and he gasps.

"That should answer your question"

"O it did and I can't wait to find out on what he says," Mason says and then starts getting up.

"You keep your mouth shut, got it"

"O don't worry I will," Mason says as he leaves.

I then get back to work.


I was at work stocking shelves and helping customers and other stuff. I was also thinking about what B said weeks ago about us having kids and them running around the house.

"What's on your mind?" Julie asks.

"I was just thinking on what B said a few weeks ago"

"What was it?" Jenny asks.

"Where did you come from?" I ask as I turn my head and look at both of them.

"I've been right here next to her, you just didn't turn your head," Jenny says, I nod.

"So what did yall talk about?" Julie asks.

"Well one night after we had sex we talked about the future and us having kids someday"

"I see" they both say.

"And we talked about having a game room for the older ones and a playroom for the little ones and we talked about kids running around the house with toys everywhere" we start laughing.

"So you want kids?" Julie asks.


"Does B want kids?" Jenny asks.

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