I want to scream
I want to cry
I need to do
But I can't
It's all just trapped inside
Like a beast in a cage
It squeezes my lungs
Constricts my breathe
It pulls at my heart
Making it beat a million beats a minute
It causes this pain
In my chest
Like I swallowed a rock
And it won't go down
My hands shake
My eye twitches
My fingers tap
It's anxiety
It's fear
It's every bad feeling
And it's stuck in my throat
Imprisoning my heart
Binding my lungs
Making it impossible to breathe
Impossible to think
I can't explain
But it's an awful feeling
I want to rip it out
Pull my heart
And my lungs
And my throat out
To scream until I can't make any noise
To cry until I can hardly breathe
But I can't
So I will sit here
With this feeling inside me
And wait
Until this passes
Bottle everything up
So I don't feel it anymore
Replace the pain
With emptiness
And most importantly
I will stay trapped
Like a deer in headlights
I am frozen
I am paralyzed with fear
I am
Comfortable Misery
PoetryPoetry. Most of it is written at 1 in the morning. All of it is what I experience.