The Beginning, Wtih A Crazy Meeting!

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(Past) At The Axis And Allies Meeting....

I looked to the monitors of the streets form all around the world; witch where now filled with white faceless aliens, America had begun some speech about the things. I really only caught about half of the speech though for I was too busy thinking to myself and being a little freaked out but I'd never let anyone know that.

"So listen up bros! We've all got to come up with a super awesome plan to get these alien guys, pictorians or whatever as my awesome alien friend Tony told me they were called out of here. For realz dudes they are like from way far outer space and we have to get them to leave us alone and not let them turn Earth freckingly, boringly white, so you've all got to follow my super awesome hero plan! Now who's with me?!" America exclaimed to everyone at the meeting table.

"Your brains are from way far outer space!" England yelled at America, you could tell he was annoyed but for good reason you know. There had recently been an invasion of strange white faceless aliens with glowing green things on their heads here on Earth and they have been turning all of our people into the same strange white beings. So as anyone would expect, we as nations have to do something about it but that's not as easy as it may or may not seem. For that vary reason myself along with the Axis and my other Allies have gathered for a meeting to discuss what we are going to do, although these meetings never turn out well and all that seems to be going on at the moment was America ranting about himself being a the selfproclaimed 'hero' and how he will fix everything, but that was getting us nowhere and it only seems to be succeeding in annoying almost everyone in the meeting room, in addition to causing agreements between most everyone, except for Italy who was sitting and drawing faces on the pictures of the pictorians that had come with the files we had each received and Russia who was knitting beside me.............that's just weird. Everyone was now blaming Japan for some reason or another and Italy was yelling about white flags at which point Germany looked like he was about to explode so I decided to interject.

"How about everyone just shuts up and you know we could come up with a plan zat will actually work, you débiles!" I told my, oh so stupid American friend, well Alfred was my best friend but he annoyed the hell out of me most of the time. As well as everyone else in the room who has apparently decided that fighting with each other will solve the world's problems.

"Oh and before you go saying somezing along ze lines of 'military force' I don't zink zat will do you much good! You need to be zerious Amérique! And zat goes for everyone else as well; we all need to be zerious!" I stood up from my chair and banged my fist on the table as I told them this while narrowing my blue eyes at them, I must say the surprised looks on their faces was quite comical and I would have laughed if there wasn't more pressing matters at hand. I was usually always clam and tended to defended my best friends' crazy ideas for fixing the world's problems, but this was serious and he needed to know it, they all needed to know!

"Paris-" France had begun to say, stopping temporarily form his fighting with England but I cut him off before he could start patronizing me for this, I knew what I was doing, I may only be a capital but dammit I was just as good as good as anyone here! Me just being here should prove that to them, I mean you don't see any other capitals here, it was just me. France was the lover and I was the fighter without me; his little sister, he would be nothing!

"No frère! You will liszen to me and you shall liszen good! We all need to stop fighting and work together because as much as we do not wish to, it is ze only way we will be able to defeat zese alien creatures and zave our people from becoming white faceless zings. Now while I do not zink fighting against zem with weapons will do much good, it would seem zat is our only option so if you are all quite done fighting I am going to do what I must and you will do what you must as well or else you will all zuffer ze same fate as your people, or maybe if I just brake all your faces zen you will liszen and understand zen hmmm?!" I yelled this to everyone in the room taking time to look each one of them in thier eyes to help convay my point, but I must say it was rather difficult to look into a certain pair of violet eyes, I always had a tendensy to blush when I tired but that was nothing new or surprising, desprate times call for desprate measures, so I managed. Russia always had that effect on me but that's beside the point.

Everyone just proceed to stare at me with blank faces while still in their previous positions, so I came to the conclusion it was time to take my leave. With a quick sweep of my long blonde hair over my shoulder, I stormed out the large double doors not caring if my fellow Allies where following me or not but the foots steps and mumbling confirmed that indeed they were and I just couldn't help the smirk that spared across my face. Oh yeah I was defiantly the fighter.

A/N: So if you've noticed things are spelled wrong when Paris talks, it is because I'm trying to add in her French accent with the way she talks, (Which I will be doing with all the characters) my apologies if this confused anyone. Sorry for the shortness of the chapter, when I start getting more into the plot of the story they should start getting longer. Translations will also always be at the bottom of the chapters.

Translations (French)

-Débiles- Morons

-Amérique- America

-Frère- Brother

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2012 ⏰

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12y ago

OMG, i love the part with Italy and Germany.... their are my favorite couple...this story start out good...

12y ago

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