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SONG: MAJOR - WHY I LOVE YOU _____________________________
Last and final chapter you guys. I'm so sad that this book has come to an end. It's been great reading you guys funny comments and writing this book. I love you whores😭❤️.
Let's appreciate Andy and Bobo for a second.
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"Are you ready dude?" Damien asked fixing his tie.
"I am. I'm ready to tie the knot and become a married man." He said smiling.
"I'm proud of you brother." Jason said putting a comforting hand on Jax.
Jax, Damien, and Jason talked amongst each other as they got ready. Every second Jax would look over at the clock that was slowly ticking. If everything go as scheduled then Miracle would be there in the next hour.
Jax heart beat against his ribcage as he recited his vows. He was thinking positive, but his mind couldn't help but to go back to the dream he had. He hoped that he proven his love for her that she wouldn't hesitate and would join him in holy matrimony. He hoped to God that she wouldn't run away or say yes but then later turn him down. He hoped that she would say yes.
Damien and Jason walked out of the room. They needed to finish the work Keke gave them before she left to go help Miracle get ready. They left Jax alone with their thoughts and he began to overthink even more.
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Knock knock
Jax turned around and told the person to come in before turning back to the mirror. He was trying to tie his tie but he wasn't able to. His hand just wouldn't stop shaking.
"Do you need help son?" Antonio asked walking further in.
"Y-Yeah." He said turning around.
"So how does it feel to soon be a married man?" Antonia asked tying his bow tie .
"Can I be real with you dad?" Jax asked.
Antonio chocked on his spit, shocked that Jax called him 'dad'. If Jax ever called Antonio dad then it was in an sarcastic, annoyed, or angry way, and usually it had some type of horrible name on the end of it.
"S-sure son, you could talk to me about anything." Antonio said trying to play it off.
"I'm scared." Jax said truthfully.
"Of what?" Antonio asked.
"I-I don't know, rejection." Jax said shrugging his shoulder.
"You shouldn't have any fear in your heart. Miracle loves you, you could see it on her face. If she said yes to your proposal and stuck by you through all the bullshit, what makes you think that she would leave you at the alter?" Antonio asked looking up at his son.
"You're right." Jax said.
"Aren't I always." Antonio said smiling.
He tightened Jax bow tie before moving back. Jax turned around and adjusted the the bow tie to his liking.
Antonio was going to walk out when Jax stopped him.
"Yes son." Antonio said turning around.
"Thank you for all you have down for me." Jax said genuinely.
"Thanks, but do me a favor." Antonio said putting his hands in his pocket.
"Yes?" Jax said.
"Be a better father to your kids than I was. Put their childhood first before the business. Be there for them both physically and emotionally." He said.
"I will dad." Jax said staring at him in the mirror.
Antonio told him bye, and walked out of the room. Jax took a deep breath and felt all the stress disappear.
"It's time." Damien said popping his head in.
Jax looked at himself before turning around.
"It's now or never."
"Okay, can someone tell me what's going on." Miracle asked as they pulled up to her grandmother house that was on the beach.
She was dressed up in a beautiful white dress and had on a white daisy flower crown that had a hint of purple. Her makeup and hair was well done, and she looked ultra vibrant.
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