»A mermaid found a swimming lad,
Picked him for her own,
Pressed her body to his body,
Laughed; And plunging down forgot in cruel happiness
That even lovers drown.«
William Butler Yeats
I adore Thai food. I adore their soups, I adore their appetizers, I adore their Pad Thai, and above all; I adore Pad See-Ew.
The bowl of mouthwatering soy noodles with salty mushrooms, tofu and crunchy bamboo sprouts was heating up my lap. A single bite of those delicious noodles, drenched in heavenly saltines of soy sauce, made me want to cry.
»Where did you say this cat came from?« Asked Lena while tiptoeing around Layla, who was quietly growling at her.
»I rescued it.« I stuffed my face with another shipment of Thai food.
»Why?« Gaja unwrapped her hamburger. She wasn't a fan of animals, but she could tolerate them. Unlike Lena who was terrified of everything on four legs. Including babies.
I rolled my eyes at her. »Can't you eat the same food as us, for once?«
She shook her head. »You know I can't handle eating slowly and in small bites.« She grinned at the giant hamburger which was dripping with ketchup on one side.
»Why did you have to bring her here again?« Lena's voice shook as she finally got pass my cat.
»She's adjusting.« Mmm, crunchy bamboo sprouts...
»Shouldn't she be adjusting, I don't know – in your house?« Said Gaja.
I shrugged. »She doesn't seem to like anyone but me.«
»No shit.« The grimace on her face told me everything.
My pants vibrated and I took out my old phone.
Pervert: Amuse me. I am bored.
Me: Go amuse yourself.
»So,« Lena took a shiny DVD in her hand. »I've decided on The 100.«
»The What-Now?« Gaja wiped the ketchup off her chin.
»The 100. It's a TV show about a bunch of people in the future, after the Nuclear war, and how they come from space on Earth for the first time in years. Most of them are teenagers.«
»Of course they are, otherwise it wouldn't be MTV material.« Said Gaja in sarcastic tone.
»It's not MTV.«
While Lena and Gaja were bickering my phone vibrated again.
Pervert: No. What are you doing?
Me: Me and my friends are eating.
Pervert: I thought young women prefer to diet. What if you get fat?
Who the hell does he think he is?! Telling me to go on a diet...Jackass.
»Who are you texting with all the time?« The redhead snatched the phone out of my hand.
»Gaja!« I yelled.
I tried to reach the phone but she jumped on the bed, thus making the phone unreachable. »I thought young women-« She read out loud and murmured the rest. »What?!« She was flabbergasted. Suddenly she turned the phone towards her face, while biting in her huge hamburger, and took a picture.
»What are you doing?« I jumped on the bed and tried to get the phone back.
She typed something in and laughed. »Here,« She gave it back. »I hope Arijan likes my special message.«
I looked at the phone screen and saw a picture of Gaja, biting into that hamburger of hers, with added text: I'm sorry, I can't hear you over this delicious hamburger.
The most mortifying words appeared on my monitor. Message successfully sent.
»You sent this?!«
»Lighten up,« She gobbled the last bite. »I'm sure Arijan-«
»It's not Arijan!« Crap, I totally forgot about Arijan.
They both froze in the moment and threw a gaze of bewilderment at me. »I'm sorry,« Gaja cleared her throat. »is there another man, that you would cutely save as Pervert in your phone?«
»It's not like that,« I grinded my teeth. »I don't like him. He's just a perverted jackass.«
»Aha, that's why you're grinning like an idiot every time that phone vibrates. He must be a very bad man.« She exaggerated on purpose.
»All Gaja's crushes start with 'he's a perverted jackass'.« Lena butted in the conversation with her sweet voice.
»True.« She picked her teeth with a wooden toothpick.
»I don't have a crush on him.« I insisted.
»So he doesn't make your heart skip a beat?«
Only if he scares the shit out of me. »No.«
»You don't like his attention?«
He treats me like a toy. I shook my head.
»Are you telling me,« She took my by surprise and closed in on me. »you've never looked into those warm, inviting eyes, and just wanted to throw him against the wall and kiss him?«
She doesn't even know how his eyes look like. They're red with blood. Except when he is human, he does have a sort of inviting charm to him...I slapped my cheek. »No.«
»I'm sure you're blushing 'cause you hate him so much.« She backed off and Lena giggled.
»Does he go to our school?« Lena tucked a lock of her pearl-like hair behind her ear.
»How old is he?«
»I don't know.« I really didn't.
»He's not ancient, like thirty or something?« Gaja made a vomiting sound.
»No! He's our age.« Well, he looks like it.
»What's his name?«
I sighed. »Luc.« I really wanted to keep him a secret. He met my family and now my best friends knew about him. He was stuck on my life like a leech.
»Ah, sounds Italian.«
»It's French, dimwit.« Gaja slapped the back of Lena's head.
I nodded.
»When can we meet him?«
»There's no need for that.«
»Why, is he ugly?«
»What, no...«
»He's got bad skin, doesn't he? He's shorter than you? Really hairy, like Robin Williams?«
I furrowed my eyebrows at her.
»Oh my...« She suddenly blurted out. »Is he fat?«
»Then why won't you introduce him?«
The phone vibrated yet again.
Pervert: Does she want this to be her last meal?
I rubbed my forehead. That's why I don't want you to met him.
Gaja peeked over my shoulder. »Huh, he's got a thing for dark humor.«
Yeah, I'm sure that's it.
Pervert: Just joking.
»See,« She patted my back. »he's not that bad. Although I do feel some dark aura coming from that text.« Gaja snorted.
Pervert: I am flattered that you told my friends about me. But do not tell them who I really am, or I will have to punish you.
»What did he say now?« She tried to take the phone out of my hand again, but I held it tight this time. »Punish,« She murmured. »Holly *Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami! Is he like your master or something? Like in those books of yours, Fifty Shades of Sex...«
»Fifty Shades of Grey,« I corrected her. »and no, he's not my master.«
»Then, why would he want to punish you?«
I threw that damn vibrating device in my bag and sat on the bed. »He wouldn't, he's just being a...perverted jackass. Can we watch the TV show now, please?« I sounded annoyed.
Lena clicked play and we all got cozy in our flannel pyjamas, eating chips and melted chocolate, watching how teenagers got thrown down on radioactive Earth. After five episodes I shipped the badass commander Bellamy and fearless leader Clarke so hard, I thought my ovaries are gonna explode.
Glossary: 1. Misaki Takahashi and Akihiko Usami are two characters from Yaoi anime, Junjou Romantica.
Author's note: I hope you like this chapter, if you did - don't forget to press that little button with a star on it to vote :) Comment, tell me your thoughts, your questions, I love it all! ;)