Hi everyone! :)
How are you guys? Been alright?
Okay, okay. I have to confess you guys something for which you will hate me.
I have a abnormally huge writers block.
I don't know why, but I just don't have any inspiration or ideas on how to make this story interesting anymore. Everything I write down sounds so stupid and it's getting more than frustrating. The only ideas I get are completely different ones which is why I started to write a new story on which I've written already about five chapters. I think about putting Danger on hold for a while and concentrate on the other story. Maybe it'll help since the story I'm working on isn't as serious as this one.
I plan on publishing my new story later on that day or tomorrow:)
And again, I am really sorry. I am such a shitty person. I know :(
But I'll try my hardest and best to write on this story as soon as I can! Promise! And maybe you guys can comment your own opinions and ideas? Maybe that'll help too? :)
Anyways enjoy this terribly written chapter!
He was running. Running for not only his dear life, but for the life of his sister as well. Ever single vein and muscle protested at the fast pace he was going at though Carter did not care about it at all. The fucking ache felt all over his body and the few cuts reopening as they just had started to heal? Yeah, he did not give a damned thought to all of that as he continued to run and run as the broken voice of that demon kept replaying itself over and over again.
"Go. You hear me? Right after this, take Chloe, then run as fast as you can and don't ever look back, okay? I don't know how long I'll be able to hold myself. She's on the second floor, first door to your left. Go. Now."
And that he was doing. He was running as fast as he could in his state, not once looking back. Ignoring the aching pain appearing in his lungs and his darkening vision that told him to take a much needed break by taking deep breaths in, he could only picture his little sister alone in a room completely battered and bruised. And that was the only image he needed to carry on and ignore the agonizingly pain he could feel everywhere.
His heart was matching to his breathing, quick and uncontrollable as he forced his muscles to move quicker. He could not wait a second longer to be away from his sister. He needed to make sure that she was okay, that she was fine with no traces of her being hurt. No cuts, no bruises. Nothing. Though he knew, he just knew that when he looked like he did just now, his sister could not look any better. If anything, she must have been through worse but he quickly pushed those horrible thoughts aside as he ran or at least tried to ran the stairs up.
Balance had to be searched on the banister to stop himself from doubling over in pain as waves of coughing left his dry lips. And as he once leaned over to just sit there for a second or two, he could literally feel it. The slow, terribly slow feeling of his wound ever so slowly opening again on his whole bare back. It was one of those really deep cuts that bastard did to him by whipping him on his bare back to his own sick enjoyment. Though he bit on the inside of his cheeks and stood back up again, ignoring the ache and the stench of blood that was dripping down his back as he walked the last few steps up before he took a sharp turn to face the very first door on his left were apparently, his little sister Chloe was in.
Was he ready to see her? No.
Did he know what was waiting for him in the room? Partly.

D a n g e r (No new Updates! New version published!)
Fanfiction***THIS STORY WILL BE REWRITTEN COMPLETELY=》"Demon's Claim"! NO NEW UPDATES!*** [Warning: This story includes abusive scenes.] ❞ You cannot avoid me. You cannot escape me. I always will be there. Lurking somewhere in the depths of the dar...