We Fight In Numbers [Chapter 8]

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"Emilia wait!" I turned around to see Ms. D sprinting over to me. "You left this on the bus sweetie," she smiled and handed me my guitar case. I smiled at her then got onto the elevator. I pressed the bottom for the lobby then looked up at the ceiling sighing.

"Mind if I take this one?" someone asked and I looked down to see Fitz. I was skeptical about saying yes until I saw Eli and Drew walking toward me. I grabbed Fitz's shirt and pulled him onto the elevator with me and repeatedly hit the close door button. It shut just when Eli reached it.

I ignored Fit staring down at me and focused on the buttons. He was standing to close to me but I tried to put myself in my own world.

"Running from your boyfriend?" Fitz asked. I looked at him and then away quickly.

"Well I thought Eli was different from all the other boys I've met in my life but I guess he just wants the same thing all the others do," I growl and Fitz makes me look at him.

"Did he try to...you know?" he questioned and I nodded. "I am so sorry to hear that. I wish I could have warned you. He always would talk about how he and Clare would have sex. I guess maybe he thought that if he did it with the hottest girl in school more people would like him," Fitz said smiling at me.

"He had sex with Clare?" I said surprised.

"Yeah. I guess they kept that from you. So much for an honest relationship," Fitz shrugged. The elevator doors opened and we both stepped out of it. "I'm here if you want to talk," he told me and held open his arms. I looked at him then let him hug me. I pull away shortly after and look at him.

"I'm going to go," I say and when I go to turn around Eli and Drew were staring at me. I look at Eli and shake my head before walking out of the hotel.

"Emilia," he called after me only making me walk faster. I overheard him say, "Don't ever touch her again." I pushed out the front doors and wore my guitar case like a backpack. I wasn't sure on where I would go since I didn't know my way around Chicago. I just wanted to be far away from every one of the Degrassi students.

I stayed on the sidewalk and moved along with the flow of people. I heard my name being called and quickly looked behind me. Drew, Eli, Adam and Clare were running toward me. I turned around adjusting my knitted hat and started to run. I felt the wind pick up the bottom of my dress. I was so happy I wore thick black leggings underneath. My Class A WWII army jacket flew like a cape in the wind as I ran.

I checked behind me again until I run right into someone and fell face first onto the ground. I stopped my body from hitting the ground by putting my arms in front of me. The person helped me up and I wiped my hands over myself. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to wear I was running," I mumble and my eyes get caught on the person's jacket. It was basically the same one I was wearing but with different patches on the arm. It looked exactly like the jacket Ryan Ross had worn when I saw him. "Nice jacket. My favorite musician Ryan Ross has the same one," I comment even though I had a feeling the person would have no clue who he was.

The person chuckled and I finally brought my eyes to look up at their face. He was smirking and brought his hands up to take off his sunglasses. Before he had the chance to fully take them off I heard my name called again. The four were getting closer to me.

"I really am sorry about running into. But I have to go," I tell the person and start to run again. I looked around to see I reached a park. I ran faster and faster till I reached town. Buildings were all around and I knew it would be harder to find me now. More people were around and I camouflaged my body in between them.

I stopped my walking when I reached a coffee shop that looked nice. I ordered myself a cappuccino then took a seat on a blue leather couch letting my body sink into it. I placed my guitar on the side of me and tried to enjoy my drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2010 ⏰

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