Time skip
Great I'm in the changing room of the spa and as I was just about to leave to go to the steam room I was stopped buy one of the attendees he says to me you cant go in there with you trunks and shirt we provide special towels in the changing room. I groan and make my way to the changing room again apparently I was the only one who didn't get the memo. I change into the too small of a towel around my waist I feel out of place I'm just glad Nahashi wont see my tattoo.
Crap I spoke too soon in front of the separate steam rooms i see Tae, Jungkook, and Nahashi. They look at me and I see them looking everywhere but my face, I feel proud for a second until my eyes meet Nahashi her face looks like she had seen a ghost I realize that her name is next to my abs I quickly cover most of it with my arm Tae also sees and gasps. I blush and cant say anything. She says very loudly "why the hell is my name on you?" I say "its not..." I stop and sigh "I already told Jungkook and I'm not ready for this right now so please stop, just know it is not you okay?" she looks wary and nods. Tae interjects with "waaaiiit... how dose koooooookkkkiiiee kkkknnnnnow this?" again I say "ask him". Kookie blushes and turns I don't understand why.
I look at Kookie's chest and I turn beet red at his eight-pack scared to look lower. This man is sculpted like an angel god damn. I say before it could get any more awkward "lets get in the steam room now, I'm starting to get cold..." I hurry to the door I hear Nahashi say to Tae "bring your phone in there in case something happens. Boys I know that your phones will break in there so I hope that they are in the locker room." Me and Kookie both nod I ask tae "wont your phone break in the steam room?" he says "no I have a water proof one" I nod my head. I say "okay I guess I need to get me one of those ones." Nahashi winks and says "ill see you soon an hour would be okay right?" she and Tae exchange knowing looks but neither me or Kookie see this of course because we were both trying to look anywhere but each other, cause daaaaaammmnnn... I hear I hear Tae say "open the door bitches, because you horny asses are blocking the entrance to the hot steamy room..."
Tae pov
In my mind I think where all of your fantasy will be realized, god I'm evil.
Namjoons pov
I gasp and stutter out "what do you mean? I am not..." I leave the end for interpretation. When I see Kookies face it is scared and red I decide that it is time to go in the steam room, as I open the room I am hit in the face with a wet warmth. It is foggy in the room, i hear Tae ask if there was any one else in the room. There was no answer the benches were on the side of the walls, the smell was something familiar but I cant figure out what. Eucalyptus maybe? I go to sit down buy the door but Tae grabs me and Kookie but the arms and takes us to the back wall he tells us to sit both Kookie and I sit a good distance away from each other I hear Tae sigh and sits in the middle of us. The room has so much steam that it is virtually impossible to see the door.
Tae sighs and says "when is the next time your sister will be in town Namjoon?" I say in a sarcastic tone "you talk to her more than me. Although I have been saving money to visit her in America. Although she may try to make me get another tattoo. Hehe" Tae was about to say something when Kookie interrupts with "you have a sister? Tae what dose he means that you talk to her more than him?" Tae says with a sweet smile "yes he has a sister, and she asked me to keep tabs on her brother when they started having a fight although I feel like it is one sided. Namjoon she really doesn't care nor is uncomfortable about you being bi. The only problem is that she wants you to be able to date who ever you want and not have you hide it from your parents. No, she did not tell me before Thursday I had this conversation with her yesterday."
I just want to yell that it is none of his business but if that is how my sister truly feels then I have to talk to her I'm still not ready to tell my parents though. I'm about to say okay ill call her tonight when we hear a phone ring, Tae quickly answers it and says "Nahashi left her wallet in the car ill be back in a second." And with that he was gone neither of us could protest it feels almost as if it was planned.
I sigh and lean back enjoying the steam when I hear Kookie clear his throat and say "well that was deep I feel like I know to much about you and you know very little of me. hehe" I say "ya sorry about that when I talk to him it normally turns that way. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable how about this we play a game to get to know each other dose that sound fun?" he looks at me with his big eyes and says "ya sure why not?" I smile a look at as I ask "what is your favorite food?" "Ramon hands down, you?" he smiles. "Black nooldes. Your turn to ask." Kookie sits there trying to think of a question when he finally finds it he asks "favorite color? Mine is white." I say "my favorite color is purple, and white isn't a color but a shade but ill let it slide this time hehe."
I try to think of some questions when Kookie shifts on the bench he sit towards me crisscross apple sauce so I mimic him ask "favorite day of the week not the weekend? Mine is Thursday." He thinks for a second "I think mine is Thursday too because it's the last day before the weekend. How old are you?" "23 you?" he says with a surprised look "I thought you were older I guess not hehe I'm 22." I scoot closer to him so I can show him i'm not that much older than him I say "see no wrinkles how old did you think I was Kookie?"

Chocolate Wings
FanfictionThis is the story of a boy who is 'reborn' throughout many lifetimes. What happens when he finds a person who he is drawn too? Through a series of awkward events, their love kinda just happens, but will it last? Or will he not be able to look away f...