CHAPTER 155 :Arnie strikes back

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Gregory had been sat  in his car for more than a couple of hours, looking around him to a  calm neighbourhood of Islington and h neck was becoming increasingly  stiff. He yawned and took a look at his watch only to acknowledge that  he already had looked at it less than five minute before. Rowan Artwood,  a junior officer who had joined Donovan's team just a month before, was  sat beside him, looking at a small monitor that was broadcasting blurry  image from camera that had been placed in order to see through the  windows of the number 16 of the street.

"Any movement ?"  the inspector wondered, even if there was no chance that the situation  had changed in the last couple of minute since last time he had asked.

"No. He must still be upstairs." his younger colleague replied, not even bothering to look at him.

"I  swear that if he doesn't go out this afternoon I'll make the one who  gave us that information scrub the floor of the yard on their knee and  with a toothbrush for the rest of their life." the yarder cursed, not in the mood for having been played at.

Rowan  let out a little giggle, sharing the other man's frustration but too  polite to complain. He wasn't even suppose to work on this case that had  been opened more than a month before his arrival in the forces, but a  shortage in the available agent and the close relation between his boss  and her ex-boss had him trapped in a car for hours.

He was  considering how dull his work was and how it wasn't what he had expected  to do when he entered the academy when he detected a move in the corner  of one of the room under surveillance.

"Here. In the kitchen." he quickly reacted, pointing out the blurry silhouette to his colleague.

"Am the only one to think that he have changed his outfit or is it real ?" Greg remarked, trying to get a better view at the monitor.

"Yes." his colleague confirmed as he got a better look at the silhouette.

They  went back silent as they focused on the moving man on the monitor,  relief to finally see a sign of movement after hours of dullness.

The  man they were overlooking was pacing around the kitchen, a cup in one  hand and something that Lestrade understood to be a phone in the other.  It wasn't as a big move as they were expecting, but they had good hopes  that it was the sign that he was preparing to exit the house.

As  they were still looking at the small screen, the detective's phone rang  and displayed a text sent by DI Hebbletwaite informing him that a  cellphone signal had been detected inside the house of the man under  surveillance, confirming what Greg had deduced. A second text came right  after disclosing the main information discussed by the man and his  interlocutor and making it sure that he was going to come out of his  house soon for a mysterious delivery.

It was one more hour before  they saw the man making his way to his lobby and putting on a light  jacket. As he opened the door, the two policeman exited the anonymous  car and made their way toward him. They placed themselves n front of him  but as they were putting their hand in their pocket to grab their  badges and show them to him, the man outthinked them and threw a powerful jab to Rowan's face, knocking him to the ground, before he started running down the road.

"Shit."  Lestrade thought angrily, turning on his heels and sprinting after his  suspect. None of them had ever anticipated that the man could actually  try to run away as he was supposed to be nothing else but a little fish  and the inspector was not at all equipped for a foot chase. He was  sporting some new loafer that Mycroft had brought him back from his last  trip to Italy and rather tight trousers that he had though would make  him a nice silhouette when he bought them but that were just slightly to  small, not that he would have ever admitted that for the world.

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