Betty went to answer the door. She could only assume it Toni wanting to walk her to school again. She opened the door and there was jughead. Her heart skipped a beat when she remembered that they are now official.
"Hey Juggie."
"Hi Betts. Toni's got some serpent stuff so she will be in school for lunch."
"Speaking of Toni, I think we should tell her about us. After all, she is my best friend and your sister right?"
"Yes I totally agree. Then we can break the news to the rest."
Betty then remembered.
"Jug, just saying, V already knows about us. Not what happened last night but she helped me get ready for the date and everything."
"Oh okay thats fine. Not that I have a problem, but since when did you and Veronica get so close?"
"I don't really know. Something just clicked and she was being genuinely nice to me and now I really enjoy her company."
"Oh that's good then. I need to go to chemistry now, I'll see you at lunch. You and Toni meet me in the paper room and we will tell her together."
"Sounds like a plan. Bye see you soon."
"Bye babe." and he walked away with a bounce in his step.Newspaper room
Betty and jughead were standing in the newspaper room waiting for Toni to walk in, as they had to tell her about them. After all, she deserved to know.
"Juggie, what if she's mad at me for dating her brother?" Betty asked with a worried look on her face.
"Don't worry about it. If she is a proper friend she will be happy for us and I'm sure she will Betts."
Toni walked in sensing the serious tone in the room.
"Oh hey, what's up guys. Why so serious?"
Betty moved over to Toni.
"Toni, we have something to tell you and we hope you will be happy."
"You guys are scaring me. What is it?"
Jughead stepped towards Toni.
"Betty and I are now boyfriend and girlfriend."
Toni looked up with a surprised face.
"It may seem rushed, but I can explain what happened."
Betty and jughead told her everything that had happened including cheer practice and so on.
"Wow, what a story."
Toni said, still with a surprised expression.
"What are your thoughts?"
Betty asked still nervous.
"Are you kidding?!" Toni shouted which scared Betty.
"I'm so happy for you guys, omg you guys are so cute. And jughead, what you did for Betty that was unbelievably amazing. You guys are made for each other!" Toni said with a beaming smile. And she hugged Betty and jughead.
"God Toni, you scared me." Jughead said letting out a sigh of relief.
"Well, I think we should head out to lunch. Are you guys going to tell the others?"
"Yes, we are planning to this lunch."
And the trio let the room all smiling and laughing.At the table
"Hey guys!" Toni said in a happy tone as they joined veronica, Archie and Kevin.
"Oh hey what's up." Said Archie then returning to his conversation. Betty and jughead gave each other that look again because they knew it was gonna be like every other lunch, those three leaving the others out.
"Some um, V, what are you guys talking about?"
Veronica looked up suddenly realising what was happening.
"Oh right sorry! I forgot you guys didn't know. Basically, josies brother got murdered two weeks ago and the police are doing nothing about it."
"Oo I love investigating a good murder mystery." Jughead said with a smile on his face trying to brighten the mood.
"That makes the two of us then." Betty said whilst smirking. Then she placed her hand on jugheads. The conversation about the murder suddenly stopped and everyone just looked at them. Betty and jughead suddenly realising they hadn't told them, quickly shifted away from each other.
"What was that I just saw?!" Kevin practically screamed.
"Wait are you guys a thing?" Asked Archie with a beaming smile.
"We were um going to tell you this lunch."
"Oh my gosh yayyyy!!" Kevin shrieked.
"Ship. Ship. Ship."
"All right Kev we get it." Veronica said calmly placing her hand on his back to tame him.
"Ronnie I thought you would be more excited." Archie said confused.
"Oh boys, I have known since it started. I had my fair share of screams already."
"Wait, she knew before me?" Toni asked looking hurt.
"Oh no that was only because she was at the cheer practice." Betty said trying to convince Toni.
"Oh right i guess." Toni was clearly sad but Betty didn't know why.
"But V, something you do not know is Juggie asked me to be his girlfriend last night." Betty said smiling.
"Yeh I asked her on the walk home, and guys I know it seems rushed but it feels right and-" Jughead was interrupted by a high pitched scream. Everyone was scared and then they realised it was Veronica.
"V, as much as I love you, please can you shut up." They all started laughing except from Toni. Betty had to clear things up with her soon, she couldn't lose a friend. I mean she couldn't lose a best friend.

New Beginnings
FanfictionWhen average girl, Betty Cooper moves to riverdale, she realises things won't be as smooth sailing as she thought. With a few murderers about, makeups, break ups and definitely some shake ups, there is only one person who keeps her going.