Emma's POV
The nightmares didn't come again to my relief. Everything feels better when Josh is here but with that comfort comes anxiety. I lay awake in the bed for about ten minutes before deciding to get up. I carefully lift Josh's arms off of me before walking to the bathroom.
Today's the day of the premiere and I have no idea what's going to happen. This will be the first time Josh and I have publicly went to an event together and I'm not so keen about cameras and interviews.
With all of this running through my mind I can't help but think about my family. I should tell them the news. I feel absolutely horrible for basically avoiding them for these past weeks but so much was going on. But most of all, I need to talk it out with my dad.
I check the time on my phone to see that it's about 9:30am. I'm sure he's awake by now. I take a seat on the carpet by the tub before dialing his number.
"Hi." I say. I hope this isn't going to be as difficult as I think it will be.
"Emma." he sighs.
A few seconds pass by before I decide to speak.
"I'm sorry." we say at the exact same time.
I let out a nervous laugh.
"I'm sorry I kicked you out. I just didn't want to see you ruin your life over some boy. I should have called, I know that." He tells me.
"I guess I get my stubbornness from you then. You didn't kick me out it was my choice. I needed to be on my own. And as for Josh...you have to know that he's not just some boy. Not all boys are like-"
"Evan." he finishes.
"Yeah." It's funny how everything goes back to him.
"You really do like him?"
"Dad, I love him." I say.
Just saying those words makes my heart flutter. The fact that I'm dating Josh Hutcherson is still so surreal to me.
"I'm really glad that you're happy dear. Thanks for calling and being the bigger person." he laughs.
"I'm glad I did too. Oh and dad?"
"I'm kind of going to the Catching Fire premiere tonight."
"No way!"
"Yes way!"
"That's incredible Emma!"
"I know. Hopefully I wont embarrass myself in front of live television. Can you tell everyone else about the news?"
"Yeah of course I will. Wow I still cant believe it. Have a bunch of fun okay? I have to get ready for work now. Love you."
"I love you too dad. Bye."
I hang up the phone with a smile on my face. Finally things are getting better.
My phone lights up with a text message. I unlock the screen and I am greeted with an unknown number.
The message reads:
Emma hey it's Jen! Can you come down stairs?
I now have Jennifer Lawrence's number. Wait... and she has mine.
Somebody pinch me.
I'll be right down!
I reply to her causally. Well as casual as one can get when texting Jennifer Lawrence.
I step out of the bathroom to see that Josh is still in a deep sleep. Deciding not to wake him, I tip toe to the door.
So much for that.
"Hey." I make my way back to the bed to see an amusing sight. Josh's hair is in a mess but in an adorable way. He rubs the sleep away from his eyes and looks up at me.
"Having fun there?" I ask him pointing to the pillow he was now cuddling. I laugh at his confused face as he takes in the situation.
"Hey it's not my fault that you left me," he tightens his grip around the pillow before snuggling his face into it which makes me laugh even harder, "what time is it?"
"A little bit past 10." I tuck some of his hairs behind his ear.
"Ugh." he sighs while taking my hand. Keep in mind that he's still shirtless so my heart beat right now is extremely irregular.
"Wake up sleepy head." I pat his hand.
"You seem very happy this morning." he smiles.
"I actually am."
"Emma!" a voice calls from down stairs.
"Oh right Jen wants me downstairs. Jennifer Lawrence wants me down stairs. And she knows my name. I'll never get tired of saying that."
"Alright go on I'll be down in a second." I give his hand a squeeze before leaving the room and heading down.
I walk through the living room to see that it's empty. I decide to check the kitchen and there's no sign of her.
I scream in surprise and put my hand over my heart.
All the while Jen is rolling on the floor dying of laughter.
"You almost killed me!" I say.
"You're face..was...priceless!" She says in between breaths.
"Help me up." She holds out her hand for me to take and I help her off the floor. I wasn't kidding when I said she was rolling on the floor in laughter.
"Well good morning! We have a lot to talk about and we actually have to leave soon, getting ready is going to be hell-"
"Where are we going?" I interrupt her.
"Oh right. My apartment, it's close by to the premiere so the traffic shouldn't be too bad."
"Oh my god I don't have anything to wear I didn't even think about that!"
"Emma don't worry it's all covered." she gives me a pat on the back.
"Yup you have an extremely generous boyfriend. Speaking of Josh...we have much to talk about." she gives me a knowing look. I have no idea what she's referring to but I nod along anyways.
"Joshua get your butt down here right now and say goodbye to your girlfriend!" Jennifer screams.
"As I was saying we need to get ready and by that I mean getting our hair done, trying on dresses, jewelry, painting our nails, finding shoes, makeup, the whole shebang." she pulls me in front of the stairs as she speaks.
"Josh!" she screams once again."And we have to do all of this in less that 8 hours." I bite my lip to contain my laughter as she goes from completely calm to screaming.
"You look overwhelmed are you overwhelmed?" she asks.
"Just a little."
"Oh and I forgot we have to do prepping-Okay Josh times up we're leaving!-for interviews."