chapter seven
is that a suggestion?
Friday 26th January 2018"Hey, Ellie." Olivia smiled as she pulled open the front door and spoke hushed words to the girl wearing a bright smile.
"Hey, Liv!" She bubbled but then covered her mouth quickly in fear of waking the kids. Little did the mother know of the trios plans, though. Ellie Wildman was one of the few people on this earth allowed to call Olivia the nickname, aside from her family and Sarah. "How are you?" The girl asked politely as she was pulled into a loving hug.
"I'm good, I'm good." Olivia answered and closed the door softly and led Ellie to the kitchen. "It's been too long since I last saw you." The woman explained with a mothers guilt. "You must've been this high last time." Olivia pressed a palm to the girl's shoulder to signify her growth.
"I know," Ellie sighed warmly and slid into the kitchen chair opposite the older woman.
"So, what are you doing now?" Olivia asked.
"Oh, I'm studying film at a college on the outskirts of London. I'm hoping to get into a uni here next year." Ellie explained, keeping is short and simple so as not to bore Olivia.
"That's amazing!" Olivia exclaimed, a passionate smile displaying on her lips. "What job do you want to go for in the industry?"
"Either a film editor or screenwriter." Ellie replied with a small blush tinting her freckled cheeks.
"Well, I think that's awesome. And if you ever need any advice or help, I'm here for you." The mother offered to the girl.
"You're in the film industry?" Ellie questioned, surprised and Olivia just nodded softly. "What sort of things do you work on?" Olivia smiled warmly at the question and internally argued whether she should pass up the information.
"I'm a screenwriter." The woman said casually and began to fiddle with her jacket.
"Wait..." Ellie's mouth dropped open slightly as she searched her brain for why that felt so familiar. "You''re the Olivia Jones?" She asked, not even bothering to hide her shock.
"In the flesh." Her shoulders lifted upwards casually, a light laugh sliding against her lips.
"Wow..." Ellie whispered and looked at the table in front of her. Olivia could see how she was trying to process the information, slowly and calmly. "How come you never told me before?" She asked as her head tilted back up to look at the older woman.
"I don't know, I guess I prefer it when fewer people close to me know. I'm sorry I never told you," Olivia really did feel guilty. Guilty that she hadn't told Ellie, but also that she hadn't been around to tell her when she decided to aspire into film.
"It's okay, I understand. I guess you don't want me to tell anyone, do you?" Ellie asked wearily.
"No, please don't. But if you ever need any help or work experience or anything, don't hesitate to ask." Olivia smiled warmly at the younger girl, who smiled back gratefully.
"Thanks, Liv."
"You don't need to thank me," The mother laughed lightly and pushed herself up from the table. "Anyway, I should probably get going, don't wanna be late..."
"Of course." Ellie breathed out as she, too, rose from her seat. The teenager hesitated with a small frown crinkling against her soft skin. "Wait," She groaned slightly, annoyed that she was too weak to keep in this information.
"What is it?" Olivia inquired.
"Look, I saw Asher today after school. As soon as you go we're going to watch a couple of Marvel movies, with Lyra. They're both really excited for it and I feel bad that I kept it from you. Is it okay?" At the confession, warmth flowed through Olivia's body.
"Of course it's okay. It's a Friday, just make sure they're not up when I get back?" The mother asked.
"Sure," Ellie agreed. "Now go on. You don't want to make whoever is lucky enough to spend tonight with you wait."
The chilly air of Friday evening brushed against Olivia's pale cheeks as she pushed open the apartment block door. Her hands acted instinctively and pulled the edges of her thick, black coat around her body to wrap herself up like a last minute gift.
As the woman breathed out a content sigh, staring up into the clear winter sky, a smart black car pulled up in front of the pavement. Olivia tilted her head slightly with a smile as she saw Tom hop out of the drivers side.
"Hey," She said quietly as Tom neared her with a goofy grin.
"Olivia," Tom replied in greeting. He moved forward slightly to kiss the woman's cheek quickly, which made Olivia forget the cold air they were stood in. Tom leaned back with a frown attached to his brows, a guilty look flashing through his eyes.
"You're really cold," He remarked. "Have I made you wait a long time?" Tom questioned. He would never forgive himself if he had made Olivia Jones stand in the cold for such a long time.
"No, no," Olivia brushed it off easily. "I walked out the door about 30 seconds before you pulled up. Your timing was impeccable." Olivia chuckled slightly to ease Tom, who just smiled in response.
"Well, I hope you don't find it too cold, because I had something different planned for us this evening." Tom's hand moved to the back of his neck and he scratched it nervously. His eyes travelled to the floor as he awaited for a response.
"Oh? And what sort of plans may that be?" Olivia had a cheeky smile on her lips as she noticed the nervous vibe from her date. She wanted to make him feel comfortable, just as he had made her feel the first time they had met.
"A walk in the park, learn a bit more about each other?" He suggested with red cheeks, although Olivia wasn't sure if that was from the cold or not. "Maybe a frozen treat to make us freeze even more?" Tom loosened up, finally letting a joke slip from his lips to make Olivia smile softly.
"That sounds delightful." The woman agreed.
"Okay then," Tom looked down at his date quickly before extending his arm to the car door and opening it with ease. "Shall we?"
"We shall." Olivia replied poshly before sliding elegantly into the black leather passenger seat. The door to her left was shut with a soft 'thud' and the gentleman appeared round the other side of the car. Tom settled into the seat behind the wheel and started the engine after checking his companion was safely secured.