The Phoenix, Protector

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(James Pov)

As the pain erupted and ran all over her body, it was nothing compared to the pain and guilt James felt hearing her screams, pleas, and cries for help.

Her once strong and courageous eyes now held pain and fear. When James first actually met her in her cell, when she was crying at him, all he wanted to do was comfort her and be there for her. It was an emotion he doesn't remember ever feeling before. He doesn't remember anything really.

When he was dragged out of the vault, he couldn't even remember how to speak, but when his eyes fell upon the girl with auburn hair and forest green eyes. Very few, but vivid memories filled his head. He saw so much confidence in that girl's eyes. But there was something different.
One of her eyes were the color of a living flame, but it made her look even more courageous.
It made her look fierce.

But all that went away when the mechanism started and her screams pierced through his ears, all he wanted to do was go to her, protect her, get her to safety. 
He just wanted her safe.

"Stop.." He muttered, just below a whisper. The man named Rumlow look down at him, shadows covering his face.

"What did you say?"

"S-Stop. Leave her a-alone." He stammered, he could see the man's jaw tense, but a disgusting smile crept on his face. He threw the butt of his gun into James' face. Making him spit out blood.

"Don't talk Soldier!" That was enough, James snarled at Rumlow and broke the chain that was wrapped around his left appendage, then ripped the restraint off his right arm. He grabbed Rumlow by the throat and threw him across the room, making him slam against a wall. Two guards came and held their guns to him, but he blocked their fire and punched the first one. Making him sputter out blood. James grabbed the back of his neck and crushed it, killing him instantly, he threw the body to the other guard, knocking him down.

While he was down he grabbed a gun from the dead mans holster and shoot in between the eyes. Killing another off.

He walked to the vaults door and grabbed the lock, braking it with his left hand, he walked in and was met with three terrified men, who he instantly shoot down.

He rushed to the girl and tore the mechanism off of her and the restraints. She stopped screaming, but started whimpering and panting. She was still in pain.

Could she still remember? He didn't know, all he knew was that he had to protect this girl with all that was in him. And make sure she didn't get hurt.

"I-I got you." He said, trying to calm her down. She wrapped her arms around him and he brought her close to him. Even though they were both drenched in sweat and shirtless.

They still held each other. She cried into the crock of his shoulder while he stroked her hair, calming her down.

He remember something, ten years ago.

He remembers seeing a small girl, her. She was next to a dead women, holding a knife and looking at him, confident and held high. She was so young though, how could she be so strong and fearless?

She had a hand imprint around her throat, and it was fresh. It was his.

As her held the girl close to him, as she cried while he rocked her. He could remember her name.

Alyssea, Alyssea Stark.

Why did that last name ring a bell? He didn't know.

They both suddenly heard clapping and James turned to see a fairly old man with sandy blonde hair and deep brown eyes.

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