"When do we have to be there?" I asked. "Around 5pm. Why?" I'm gonna hate myself for this. "You see my clothes burned in the fire and I don't have much of my stuff." "Oh?" She examined me and said that I can wear her clothes. "Are you sure?" "I'm positive. Also we look like we wear the same size." Jane and I got ready for training. She said that I can stay with her since she lived with her aunt and we can go to the store to get some clothes. Master Nadia wasn't home most of the time so we had the apartment to ourselves. "Does she have sisters or brothers?" I asked. I didn't see any family pictures but I saw one with a man her age. He looked like her. "She had a brother, named Mike. He married my mom, Karen. They passed away when I was young." I nodded. She prepared her bike and asked if I needed a ride. "No thanks, I can run." I smirked. She smirks back at me. "I have been wanting to ask you," I said. "What is it?" "How did you get into Kaijudo?" "Well, its kind of stupid. Its when I met Gargle. He was running away from someone and he came to me for protection. My aunt found us and she explained it to me. He even stole my phone multiple times. Even in front of my them and he took out my gym clothes." I smiled. "It was embarrassing! At least it was in front of her not the others." "That does sound stupid, but he did come to you because he trusted you." She smiled. "We better get going." I nodded. I turn into a wolf again and followed her. It turned out we were early. "So much for getting here early." "Its better than being on time. That's considered being late." Jane said. Master Chavez came to us after half an hour. "I see that the both of you are well." We smiled. "Are you ready for your first day?" I nodded. We walked into the temple and I felt so weird after the whole thing. I heard some people whisper things about me. "Is that her?" Jane must've sensed my discomfort and hurried me along. We saw other students getting ready for Master Jaha's teaching. She did certain katas showing each symbol of the realms. After some observation Jane and I did well on our first two realms. She did water and light. I did fire and nature. She had trouble on the others. Somehow I was getting it on the first try. "Um. No, that's not it. Oh man." She sighed. "Like this Jane," I showed her slowly and we continued till she got it. "Thanks Ōkami! I had trouble with that for weeks." "Hey that's cheating!" A boy protested. "Its called helping Trevor!" She snarled. "I'm showing her how to do it. I'm not doing it for her." I added. The kid huffed and continued training. We continued and we managed to do all five about ten times. "Thanks again." We were sweaty and needed a water break. "No problem. Who was that anyway?" "Trevor, he thinks he's the best but he is still an acolyte. Not a Duel master." I gave her a confused look. "See their gauntlets?" I nodded. "They are different because they represent a specific realm. Like Master Jaha and the darkness realm and Master Brightmore with the light. Get it?" "Yep. What's a acolyte?" "A acolyte is a master in training. Let me show you. Do you have paper?" I gave her a piece and she wrote down each of the levels.
Jane's notes:
(Credit to Kaijudo Wiki)Acolyte — Entry level Duelist. Are taught to summon creatures & control them, as well as other dueling basics.
Adept — Second level of Duelist. Are taught to cast spells.
Specialist— Second highest of Duelist. Some of them work as Outpost Guardians in different parts of the world.
Duel Master — The highest level for a Duelist. The Temple is lead by one Duel Master for each civilization.
"Wow," I said amazed. "It will take years or longer to be accepted as a Duel master. The gauntlets are powered by mana. A power source that energizes the creatures and allows us to open veils to their realms. But the downside is that a specific creature can take up to little or a lot of mana. Leaving some defenseless in battle." "Thanks for telling me." She smiled. "No problem," "Is there anything else I need to know?" Her face faltered. "Some creatures that you summon won't be kind to you. They'll fight you to get away or kill you." I felt the blood fade from my face. "You see Toji?" I see the man with the peg leg. "Yeah?" "He was riding his creature till it turned on him, taking his leg as a result. He nearly died. He was a Duel master. Now he qualifies as the blacksmith. That's why we have to be careful with them. Just as beautiful as they are they are as powerful." I nodded. "If the creature trusts you, then they won't be as dangerous to you like it will be to others. Unless you force them to fight their leaders or something." "Leaders?" She nodded. "Some are guided by generals, and royalty. If you make them attack their leaders, they won't listen. They will take you as the threat instead. They are protective of them. That's why I don't force them." "Force them?" "Making them do certain things like attacking another creature with a certain attack." "You don't force them?" I asked. She nodded. "They think I'm weak when I do that. But some creatures are capable of speech and understanding humans. We don't understand them as well. Like I said be careful. They are capable and some won't feel guilty about it." Just as she said it, I kept it in mind and my heart. That sounded like me. I felt it kick me hard. I felt heat rising and I told myself the little incantation I made when I was young. "Don't change nor cast your spell or you'll be in hell."

Kaijudo: The Fire Within Me
FanfictionHoping to leave her past behind, Ōkami goes to live with her grandparents and finds out the truth of what she is and where she actually came from. Then she meets a certain someone that understands her pain. No copyright intended.