"Romeo and Juliet. Perhaps the greatest love story of all time. Published over five-hundred years ago, the iconic novel has been adaption numerous times. Now, Romeo and Juliet-" Mrs Martin was cut off.
"I'm sorry, is this History or English Lit?" Bethany once again interrupted the teacher.
"Would you like to teach the class? Teach us a bit about what you know regarding Romeo and Juliet?" Mrs Martin probed.
"It is a fictional story about two star-crossed lovers who end up together because they died." Bethany rattled off.
"That would be incorrect, Miss Gilbert. Romeo and Juliet is, in fact, a true story. It is believed that William Shakespeare founded the story through a poem by Arthur Brooke, who originally wrote the poem in 1562, about thirty years prior to Shakespeare writing it. Now, I suggest you go back to listening to my class, rather than trying to run it." Mrs Martin gave Bethany a stern nod. She wasn't an elderly teacher, maybe in her late thirties, early forties. She had fiery hair and brown eyes that seemed to always be searching for something. "Now, as I was saying, Romeo and Juliet was based on a true story of two young lovers in Italy-" the door to the classroom swung open and a boy walked in. One thing I learned about people was that their walk described everything about him. And this guy's walk screamed confidence and arrogance. His hair, a molten caramel brown was short on the sides, longer on top where he styled the front into a wave. He wore a tight fitted, white top, contrasting against his black jeans. He didn't say anything as he wandered through the classroom, picking a seat at the back of the class, and dropping his bag on the floor with a thud. Mrs Martins' eyes followed the new figure, her face expressionless.
"I'm glad you could join us, Mr Ozera. Albeit thirty minutes late." Her welcoming was brisk. The boy said nothing; his only response was a curt nod, as he stared right past the teacher. Bethany turned in her seat, staring at the boy with what appeared to be appreciation...or lust. I rolled my eyes at her pettiness, before turning my head back to my page of notes, focusing on the doodled stars in the corner."For homework, I want each other you to write a 500-word paper on what Romeo and Juliet mean to you. Take what you've learnt, find resources on the internet, watch the movies, I don't care. It's due Friday. Dismissed." Mrs Martin finally released us from English Lit, and I added the homework to my growing pile, grateful that I had a free period until home time. I waited until the classroom had mostly emptied before taking my leave, knowing that by the time I made it to the door, the hallway would be quiet, giving me a chance to get to the library alone and without any torment. "Emma, just quickly," Mrs Martins' words halted me in my tracks, forcing me to turn to face her.
"You're a bright, young student who has so much ahead of her. Academically, you're ahead of everyone in your cohort, so I'm offering a word of advice. Stay away from Mr Ozera." Her warning wasn't possessive or demanding. It was cautionary.
"I don't intend on getting close to anyone, Mrs Martin," I confirmed.
"Good. You have amazing grades, and I know you can achieve anything you want once out of school. Don't screw that up for yourself by hanging out with the wrong crowd." Concern etched her features.
"Of course." I gave her a smile. I knew Aiden Ozera was trouble. That much was evident from his behaviour in class. There was no way in hell would I even consider becoming close, in any way, with him.
Prior to going to the library, I skimmed past my locker, intending to change my books. I could work on my English homework tomorrow, but my Biology homework needed to be completed today. The hallway was mostly silent, the only sound – indistinct chatter – coming from the exits where the cafeteria and the outside areas were. My locker popped open after I put the combination and I was in the process of swapping books when I heard more distinct voices.
"Yo, Donny, did you see that blonde chick eyeing Aiden up?"
"Dude! She was taking him on the table!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever. We both know he can have any chick he wants. They're all the same." The first voice chuckled back.
"True. But big boss Aiden doesn't want a girl, not even a side chick! Can you imagine! The poor guy not having sex? I'd die!"
"If you don't shut up, you're going to die, Donte!" a third voice joined the fray, dark and mysterious. I didn't even see the boulder of a human being coming. I could hear his feet shuffling closer but figured whoever was walked would move to the middle of the hallway. The moment the guys' foot hit mine, I knew there was no hope. He had too much force behind him to even think about stopping, losing balance as his feet tripped over mine. Whoever it was, knocked me backwards, slamming my locker shut in the process, and toppling me to the ground, my books scattered around me.
"What the hell?!"
"Dude!" Limbs and at least half a body crashed down on me, pinning me to the floor. It was clear to see that the bigger guy of the trio made the mistake of walking backwards, tripping me as he fell.
"Come on, Donte." The leaner of the trio leant forward, extending a hand out for the goliath that was on me. Donte, I assumed, gladly took it, letting the smaller boy pull him up. The smaller of the boys was considerably skinner, but still had a fair amount of muscle on him. He had an innocent look about him, reminding me of a child compared to the older teen that he had to have been. The mountain that crashed on me, was built like a brick house, with arms thicker than my torso, standing at least a head taller than the smaller guy. And the third guy of the group. None other than Aiden Ozera.
"Aiden! Mason pushed me!" Donte complained towards the easily more attractive of the boys. Not that I would get involved with them. Just a simple observation.
"Seriously?" Aiden almost sounded bored, rolling his eyes at Donte's theatrics. He turned to face me, lending out a hand in the same manner as Mason, the smaller boy. I eyed it. "Do you want a hand up, or not?" he asked.
"I'm good." There was something about him. Something I couldn't trust. Pushing myself into a sitting position, I moved to grab my books, piling them up together before moving to stand.
"Did I hurt ya, princess?" Donte questioned, looking at me with mocking eyes.
"I'm not your princess."
"How about doll?" he chuckled. Was he for real? I rolled my eyes, turning my back on the trio and attempting to walk away. Warmth spread through my body like wildfire, starting in my forearm, and I realised that Aiden had grabbed me.
"Did you want something?" I questioned.
"No." he smirked, the corner of his lips lifting in an arrogant grin. "Just wanted to see more of the spitfire, is all." I tore my arm from his grasp, taking a step back before turning around on them.
I promised Mrs Martin I would avoid him. Promised her I wouldn't get caught up in his game. So why was I suddenly feeling butterflies in my stomach?

War of Worlds
RomanceEmma Cameron just wants to finish high school and get out of the crappy town she's been stuck in since forever. She's banking on her high grades to do so. What she isn't banking on is bad boy Aiden Ozera. With his perfect hair and charming smirk, he...