The Jelly Fish Turtle Shell

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Name: TerraFibianFusion between: AmpFibian and TerraspinSpecies: ½ Amperi ½ Geochelone Aerio (Geochelone Amperi)Planet: Tesloss/Aldabra

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Name: TerraFibian
Fusion between: AmpFibian and Terraspin
Species: ½ Amperi ½ Geochelone Aerio (Geochelone Amperi)
Planet: Tesloss/Aldabra


*Can traspass solid surfaces

*His ability is electrokinesis, can release electrical discharges whatever he passes

*Use electrical pulses to read the thoughts of others

*Can travel by electric currents

*Can breathe underwater

*Combine his tentacles as three large antlers and rotates at high speed to become a extremly powerful fan.

*Can also use his fins to fly like a helicopter at a sonic sped, even reaching interestellar distances

*Is selectively immune to spells and Mana.


*Is weak with enemies draining its electricity

*His body is very fragile out his shell, so if he is hit by anything heavy would fall unconscious

*Can't use hisr electricity under water, but if he use electricity when enter the water, or only part of him is in the water,will electrocute himrself.

*If his holes on his chest get blocked, his wind powers will decrease

*If gets stuck to something and can't spin his arms and legs, his wind powers will be decreased even further.

*Is not as agile when flying.

*If a small object is jammed in his shell, it can cause him to stop in order to remove the obstruction.

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