we had all finished a large, 5 course that left me feeling rather worse for wear, completely stuffed and tired, but according to Volstagg, the festivities were only just beginning.
People began to dance to the music that played, jiving to the upbeat rhythm. It was lovely, seeing Asgardian's enjoy themselves without the fear of being judged, if only I could say the same thing.
"Dance with me" Loki spoke into my ear, not a question clearly as he dragged me up to the dancefloor, much to my dismay. He looked back and smirked, but not at me, at Fandral.
"I don't know how to dance, Loki" I announced timidly, but he only furrowed his eyebrows, confused at my words. "Dancing is different on Earth"
He giggled, "Show me". A corner of my mouth twitched up forming a smirk. Fastening a hand over his shoulder, I leaned in to his ear as a slow song began to play, the only dance I knew.
"Maybe later", I could feel the grip that was already around my waist only grow tighter, a mix between a sigh and a growl escaped his mouth, sending shivers down my spine.
We swayed along to the song, my head in the crook of his neck, savouring the moment and trying to stay calm and controlled with all my might. I held onto him like I would never let go, happy to finally have someone. And I knew I would do everything and anything in my power to keep him safe, no matter what he had done in the past. All that mattered was now. I'd only known him for 3 weeks, yet I was undoubtedly sure that I would follow him into the jaws of death. Maybe that was my problem, however, I was so deprived of human contact that I would do anything to keep it.
The melody kept our pace, one of our hands intertwined with the others, enjoying the company that was each other.
But then the song changed to one of a quicker nature, people cheered, but I had no idea what I was doing.
"I'll show you, don't worry" Loki assured me, his special attire shining in the moonlight that leaked through the far away window, casting a perfect shadow onto his face. While I nodded, my breath was snatched from me, I was falling, and falling hard.
A short interval of dancing that involved lots of spinning which started to make me feel a bit dizzy, had soon commenced, and after Loki showed me I had quickly got the hang of it and was starting to rather enjoy myself. Laughs that preceded shortness of breath were shared after tripping over my own feet, or bumping into somebody else, but I think I was doing well.
"I almost regret eating before this" I announced between jigs, making Loki laugh loudly, nodding his head along with the beat. "God this is great, nothing like home"
the end of the song soon came around, Loki grasping my waist tightly and tipping my back like in the movies. I gasped as he did so, but he was in no rush to pull my back up, only looking deep into my eyes as my hair grazed the ground.
Then an overwhelming feeling hit me like a slap in the face, squeezing my heart desperately, writhing out the last steady heartbeat. I pulled myself up, stumbling over my words like a fool.
"Its-Its late, I must be going". I pushed through the crowd like I was parting the red sea, shoving shoulders brashly and muttering apologies under my breath as I did so. I'm sure I heard him call on me through the herd of dancing people, but I didn't want to turn around and check, instead I kept running.
Not sure what had overcame me, I decided to flee to the library where it was quiet and distance from the main hall, surely he wouldn't think to find me there.
I sat down to think for a while, my back against the hard bookcase that sat on the top of the library, well hidden from sight. With a loud yawn, tiredness became of me, calling my name fondly. Tonight had clearly worn me out.
My head rested against my shoulder while my eyes fluttered shut, I didn't want to fall asleep in the library, but it seemed I had no choice. Silence lulled me into sleep slowly.
What seemed like only seconds that had passed, I woke up once again but in the arms of someone I had yet to look upon.
"Go back to sleep" He shushed me, I knew instantly it was Loki, his voice quiet as he walked through the corridors, me in his strong arms bridesmaid style. I sighed, my head falling against his chest, a finger fiddling with the golden detail on the centre of his torso.
Using his foot, he opened the door to my temporary chambers and shut it lightly behind him. Delicately, he lay me down on the bed, removing my shoes slowly as to not stir me anymore.
"Goodnight" he whispered, grazing my hand with his before going to walk out, but I beckoned him back.
"Stay" I pushed my face deeper into the pillow, becoming more comfortable. His thought process was almost out loud, the thoughts of 'surely this is scandalous' and 'will people think the wrong thing?' Running through his mind, but I pleaded, not wanting to be alone on this night in particular. "Please"
I don't remember much after that, I'd fallen fast asleep
I woke up the next morning, a pounding sore head accompanied by the aching of my bones. The room was, at first glance, it's usual empty self, but as I looked over to the window seat, Loki lay, curled up in a small ball with him cape tucked round him for warmth.
A pang of guilt went through me, the ugly, uncomfortable position he was contorted into probably restricted his sleep.
Almost like clockwork, he must have felt me watching him, turning around and slipping off of the edge of the window seat, landing on the marble floor with a large thud. I rushed over, helping him up as he struggled to gain composure, clearly confused as to how he had ended up here.
"How did you sleep?" He asked, pulling himself from the floor by my arms, "well, I hope"
I nodded, "I slept fine. How about you?"
"Not entirely well, but it's nothing I'm not used to". I shook my head, looking down towards our feet, "I thoroughly enjoyed last night. Would you wish to accompany me on a ride to the outskirts of Asgard today?"
Nodding, I smiled widely, "That was would be lovely"
There was a brief awkward silence, I just wanted to know what he thought of when he wasn't around. Hopefully me. Doubtful.
"My mother taught me all my magic, you see" Loki explained to me as we rode down a large stream on two horses, I'm just glad I done riding when I was younger. "Everything else is irrelevant"
I nodded, looking over to him, "You seem to talk highly of your mother, but not your father?"
"My father only seemed to love me from necessity" Loki sighed deeply, "my mother truly cares about me, I know she does"
"I'm sure your father does too" I interjected.
He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly a touchy subject and he snapped at me, "You wouldn't know how it feels". I looked away through the small clearing in the forest, trying to play his comment off. "Sorry...I"
"It's okay. Don't dig yourself any deeper"
He sighed deeply, pulling back his reign as we came to a pond, surrounded by lush green trees that made this spot unseeable to the passer by. The water shimmered, so clear that the pebbles on the bottom were visible clearly.
"It's nice, isn't it. I came here with Thor when I was a little boy. We would swim in the pond and then play fight until the sun went down." His memories made me smile, it made him seem human.

Evangeline • Loki
Fanfiction"so...Alone" Evangeline whimpered out, knees weak with despair and tears clouding her vision as she relived every moment, second by second. Loki grasped the back of her neck, trying to shush her desperately, seeing her in such a state of affliction...