November 5, 2017.
"This is so good," Jordan moaned as he took a bite out of the dinner I had made for him and Quinn, which was a Terayaki Bowl.
"I made it with love," I told them with a smile as I dug into my bowl," I missed you too."
"We did too, we're totally in love with what you've done to the apartment," said Jordan as I smiled. I had finally bought a TV, a coffee table, a couch and all the essentials needed to tidy up this apartment.
"I wanted to wait till the warming but I guess you had other plans," I said with a smile as my phone vibrated, indicating it was Klay," did Klay mention anything?"
"He talks about you all the time, especially because you straight lag," Quinn said with a roll of eyes as I chuckled, shrugging.
"Yea, funny thing is that she laga on everybody, no matter who you are or in what situation," Jordan added as I nodded.
"I just been trying to not get attached," I said with a grin as the guys glanced at each other and rolled their eyes at me. I legitimately would lag on Klay, he'd usually tell me what he was doing to give me a reason as to why he was lagging but I just couldn't bring myself to get attached to Klay, I was afraid.
"Klay really likes you, Jan, are you finally realizing that now," asked Jordan, simply shrugging as he shook his head," you are so naive."
"Thank you, boo," I said with a little shoulder shrug as I glanced over to Quinn.
"So, you really don't plan on replying to Klay," asked Quinn with an arched eyebrow as I glanced down to see he had snapchatted me as well. Klay had added me from Jordan's phone because he loved showing me around the cities he would go to and including, what he ate or what he was doing.
"Fine, you guys are annoying," I said, turning on my phone and putting in my password to get into my phone," Klay is too good for me."
"Don't start with that," Quinn said as I went onto iMessage to see Klay's message.
Klay💥: Hey, beautiful. Was wondering if we can FaceTime tonight?
Leaving his message open, I went on Snapchat to see what he had sent me, opening it to see it was a picture of him smiling and in the caption, it said," I miss you."
Sending back a picture of me, grinning at the camera and putting the same thing but with a "too" on the end.
"Do you guys have practice tonight," I asked them as I placed my phone down, letting a yawn escape as they shook their head," then?"
"Game tomorrow, you coming, right," asked Jordan as my phone vibrated," you bet your ass we all want you there."
"If I'm not drowning in stress then, I will," I said as I looked down at my phone to see Klay's text message and the coach from USC, Clay Helton, texting me," holy crap, I for sure knew I would be leaving soon."
"What do you mean," asked Jordan as I opened up the text message, reading the dates.
"I'll be gone from the 16th to the 19th, USC," I said as I replied to him
Janelle M.: alright, thank you so much!
"Damn, Klay finna lose it now that you'll be surrounded by football players, one of your favorite type of athletes," Jordan said with a nudge as I chuckled, opening Klay's message.
"He'll be fine," I reassured him with a grin as I read it.
Klay💥: Hey, you good, beautiful?

HAPPINESS. >> k.t.
Fanfiction20 year-old, Janelle Madrid, had broken up with her high school sweetheart, Esteban, after catching him with her best friend. It had completely broken her down and she didn't feel like she could recuperate. At 21 years-old, Janelle had been living...