Chapter two

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A couple of hours later I looked at the clock disgusted and pissed off. This party is so dead. The music is the stuff my mum listens to, no one is dancing, there are only like 40 people here and the drinks are totally overpriced. So much for this epic matchmaking party. Nobody has spoken to me yet and I made an effort on my outfit for the first in a long time. I stand up, downing the last of my cocktail, starting to climb the stairs to explore the house I was in. There was a bathroom and a couple of bedrooms with the doors locked.

As I walk downstairs, I turn my attention to my phone, replying to the few texts I have. Suddenly, I bumped into a guy whom I hadn't seen before at the party. Or anywhere for that matter. My whole world seemed to stop as I laid eyes on him. He had deep green eyes that twinkle like how water twinkles when the sun is shining brightly, he had perfectly groomed hair that was waxed into a perfect quiff, soft looking cheeks and a simplistic but stunning black suit. "s-sorry about that" I stutter out in awe. "Don't worry about it, its completely chill" laughed the guy, full of confidence. "I'm Aiden by the way"
"Hi, I'm Beth" I'm shaking slightly but trying to sound confident.

He gestured to the bar and I took a seat next to him. As two martinis arrived in front of us, he stirred them around slowly.
"So, how come someone as gorgeous as you is alone in a club like this"

I giggle slightly as I'm really tipsy from last nights drinks and the ones today. I looked up from my drink this attractive, sexy man is in front of me.
I don't even know this guy but I do know some thing: I want him

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