Long before the humans lived,the immortal god Maximilian forged three egg shaped stones.These stones contained powers stronger than anyone could ever imagine.He feared that these powers would be used for evil by other advanced organisms roaming the galaxy so he made the eggs invisible to the naked eye,only to be seen by the ones destined to claim its powers.
Centuries have passed and still no one has been able to lay their eyes on the eggs.The world slowly modernized.The people were never aware that someday,other organisms will invade the earth and only three people stand in the way of total destruction and the survival of the human race.
One normal day in the Universtity of Super Cool Dudes,West woke up disturbed,WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD.WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!!!!He opened his eyes and saw his two best friends Ted and Bigbang.Their teacher has not arrived yet so they just went outside to get some air.They were blabbering about the things they saw on the school entrance when suddenly, they heard screams on the playground.They went down and asked their schoolmates what was going on.One kid said it was superman while another one said it was a flying rabbit.Of course they did not believe them so they went to the crash site.But before they could go any closer, two aliens appeared.They introduced themselves as Alien XXXL and Alien XL.They got their boom boom blasters and shot West,Ted and Bigbang out of sight.Hours passed and West finally woke up.He got up and saw Ted rolling on the floor.He stopped him and helped him up and they continued on to finding Bigbang.They found him unconscious on a broken beam next to an abandoned house.They helped him down and when they did,they saw three shining egg shaped stones rolling on the ground.they chased it for about 5 minutes until they finally stopped.They didn't know what to do with them so they just spinned them repeatedly,trying to bump them at each other.Without warning,the eggs started to glow at flashed a bright light at them.